I've been just getting into WSL2 and been trying to get Ubuntu Linux running with GNOME and I've been all over the place withtrying to get the desktop environment to "Just Work" stably with vcXsrv without crashing, or freezing and bloating with memory and cpu usage until it stopped runni...
This guide shows how to installDocker DesktoponUbuntu 22.04andUbuntu-based distributionssuch asLinux Mint. Table of Contents Prerequisites: 1. Checking KVM Virtualization Support in Ubuntu 2. Install Docker Repository in Ubuntu 3. Install Docker Desktop on Ubuntu 3. Using Docker Desktop on Ubuntu St...
Ubuntu Sep 2, 2017 @lucas Ubuntu Unity is no more: One Linux dream has been axed Ubuntu Apr 7, 2017 @nathan What’s next for Ubuntu Linux Desktop? Ubuntu Apr 11, 2017 @julian Say Hi to Ubuntu's new mascot Ubuntu Mar 22, 2019 @charmi KDE Connect App was removed from Google...
The compiling depends on the headers and lib of linux kernel module which was not found in wsl distribution packages repo. We have to compile the kernel module manually. apt-get install flex bison libssl-dev libelf-dev dwarves bc First, you will need to checkout the WSL2 Linux kernel git...
Any Linux distribution that supports KDE or Gnome DE*. Pre-release versions are not supported. Latest 64-bit version of Windows, macOS, or Linux (for example, Debian, Ubuntu, or RHEL) * CLion is not available for some Linux distributions, such as RHEL6/CentOS6, which do not include glib...
In this way you will able to see what logs were generated when it couldn't open System settings. Also depends on the fact which desktop manager you're using (i.e. Gnome, KDE, XFCE etc.) and what extra things you have in your repositories. I prefer to have a clean repo for Kali ...
If you want to have a dedicated password manager on your PC, this is the one I’d recommend. I used it for a long time, until I turned one of my android devices into a glorified security key. KDE partition manager 4.0 KPM comes in two parts: ...
WSL Source libbpf Submodule Debian Ubuntu Fedora openSUSE Centos Amazon Linux 1 Amazon Linux 2 Alpine Arch Older Instructions Kernel Configuration In general, to use these features, a Linux kernel version 4.1 or newer is required. In addition, the kernel should have been compiled with the followi...
wsl --set-default-version 2 Set Default WSL Version In this article, we have seen how to configureWSL 2to install Ubuntu Linux on Windows and learned a few command-line options that we can use fromPowerShellor cmd prompt. During Installation, you may encounter different errors which I have...
https://docs.microso...sl/wsl2-install For astro, WSL has big limitations for image acquisition because it only has limited USB support - and I don't think it can connect to cameras at all. But for processing you can install a fairly pure Ubuntu installation and run it along with Windo...