Install Jenkins on Docker 1. Install Docker; 2. Download Jenkins image form docker hub (Kitematic is recommended, a docker toolbox with UI); 3. Docker run [image name] ---> start image; 4. Docker ps --> get started docker image info; 5. docker exec -it [container id] bash --> ...
Docker is a platform for running applications in an isolated environment called a "container" (or Docker container). Applications like Jenkins can be downloaded as read-only "images" (or Docker images), each of which is run in Docker as a container. A Docker container is in effect a "...
sudo vi/etc/docker/daemon.json 1. 将以下内容贴进该文件: {"registry-mirrors":["","","","",""],"dns":[""...
After installation, Jenkins will load a new page and ask you to create an admin user. Fill out the fields, or skip this step by pressing theskip and continue as adminlink. This will leave your username asadminand your password asyour_jenkins_password. Another screen will appear asking about...
一、jenkins 的安装 配置要求 最小256MB 内存,推荐 512MB 以上 10GB硬盘空间,用于安装 Jenkins、Docker 镜像和容器 在Docker 中运行 Jenkins 我们在服务器上面为 jenkins 准备数据目录,假设为/home/data/www/,前提是我们已经在服务器上面安装好了 docker。
Step 2:Click on the link shown in Figure 1. This will save the jenkins.war file in the default downloads folder location as shown in Figure 2 below. Figure 2: Save dialog popup Method #2: If Jenkins has to run in Docker then we need to install the following: ...
Install Jenkins (16.04) Install docker Docker Setup and Run Run these command to include Jenkins user to docker Add the docker group if it doesn't already exist.
mountPath: /var/jenkins_home volumes: - name: jenkins-data persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: jenkins-pvc Save the changes and exitnano. The deployment file in this example utilizes thejenkins/jenkins:ltsDocker image and createsone replicathat will be exposed onport8080. ...
Now, it’s time to run your Jenkins controller. Run docker-compose in the directory where you placed docker-compose.yaml. $ docker-compose up -dCreating jenkins … done Now point a web browser at port 8080 on your host system. You’ll see the unlock page. The page tells you to find...
注意jenkins.local这个是内部网络Jenkins容器主机名。其它配置大路货不用细看 upstream docker_jenkins{ server jenkins.local:8080; <---这里 } server{ listen 443 ssl; server_name; sendfile on; ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/certs/; ssl...