Accesslocalhost:9090from browser and unlock Jenkins, following the documentation. Step 2 Install suggested plugins Estimation: 20 minutes In theCustomize Jenkinspage, select 'Install suggested plugins' and wait for the process to be finished. Just ignore the failed-to-install ones. Step 3 Create ad...
Install genghis server in Windows Today, I want to install a Genghis server on my windows server, and I thought it would be easy. (Indeed, it is easy), but a little bit tricky. 1. Download Genghis from 2. Install Apache server with PHP, I want to make it ...
1.根据自己的操作系统从官网下载jenkins包, 2.windows下解压+执行setup.exe,即可(前提是本机已经安装了jdk) 3.初次运行完了会自动打开页面http://localhost:8080/ (左上角“允许自动刷新”) 4.接下来就可以创建任务了 参考资料
apt 安装卸载jenkins apt install 卸载 概述 因为各种原因,只能在windows上去远程执行linux上的脚本,还没想到比较好的办法,所以只能用cygwin模拟linux环境,然后装openssh来实现需求了,下面记录下部署的过程。 Cygwin介绍 Cygwin是一个在windows平台上运行的类UNIX模拟环境,它对于学习UNIX/Linux操作环境,或者从UNIX到Windows...
路径:Jenkins\Manage JenKins\Global Tool Configuration 将gradle、NodeJs在电脑中相应的路径信息配置进去相应的地方(在配置前需要安装相应的拓展) 2.新建一个项目 1)配置git地址 进入首页选择新建项目,命名好名称后点击新建自由风格的项目,源码管理选择Multiple SCMs(可以检测多个版本库,因为该项目需要用到前后端两个地...
问题重现: 当前系统Ubuntu16 shell进行字符串截取 运行 ${GIT_COMMIT:0:6}报错: /tmp/ 4: /tmp/ Bad substitution 原因:两种shell语言解释器 bash和dash 查看当前/bin/sh 指向哪种解释器: ls /bin/sh -al lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Mar 26 2018 ...
This is a very basic test, in later articles I will get into configuring ports, other Docker options and orchestrating deployments of containers with orchestration tools such as Kubernetes. Series NavigationDeploy Jenkins container on Docker Desktop for Windows Post Views: 2 ...
On Windows is: startup.bat 1 startup.bat Finally, after Apache Tomcat has started, you can access Jenkins using the following path: http://localhost:8080/jenkins/ to configure it. Like installing Jenkins using Docker or installing Jenkins on Ubuntu, the first window, we need to enter the...
Jenkins is a free and open-source automation server that helps to automate the parts of software development related to building, testing, and deploying, facilitating continuous integration and continuous delivery. It is a server-based system that runs in servlet containers such as Apache Tomcat. I...
Apache Ant, Maven, and sbt projects. It can also execute Linux shell and Windows batch scripts. Multiple version control systems such as Git, Mercurial, Subversion, CVS, etc. are fully supported by Jenkins. At least a thousand plugins are available to increase the functionality of the ...