Adding Chrome binary to Java 11 Dockerfile to observe the tradeoff in build time. Main PR: #342
In a stunningly stupid move, Linux Google Chrome 35 onwards no longer supports the NPAPI plug-in protocol used by almost all browser plug-ins, instead preferring the PPAPI protocol. The biggest impact this has is to disable Java applets inside the browser, so if you need to use Java apple...
Install Java Update Your Java version may be outdated. It is strongly recommended to update your Java plugin now. Upgrading to the latest Java version improves the security of your system, as older versions do not include the latest security updates. The latest Java version contains important enh...
{"storage":false},"preRelease":true}},"msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome":{"disallowInstall":true,"extension":{"id":"ms-vscode.js-debug","displayName":"JavaScript Debugger"}},"adashen.vscode-tomcat":{"disallowInstall":true,"extension":{"id":"redhat.vscode-community-server-connector","display...
${csudo} yum install java-11-openjdk-devel &> /dev/null ${csudo} yum install jenkins &> /dev/null # } function yum_install_erlang_otp { echo -e "`date +%F_%T` $LINENO: ${GREEN} yum_install_erlang_otp${NC}" yum ...
keytool -import -alias example -keystore "< JAVA PATH/cacerts >" -file example.cer Or, navigate to the Advanced tab in the Manage Plugin section. Scroll to Update site and replace https to http in URL mention. 2 . After installation, if Jenkins URL is not loading up and shows below ...
Go back to Apple Java 6 using the following instructions: Uninstall Oracle Java 7 by deleting the plug-in file. From a Terminal window enter: % sudo rm -rf /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin Create a symlink using the following command, entered on a single line: % sudo ln...
FF Plugin HKU\S-1-5-21-1870992824-527591684-2079679367-1001: SkypeForBusinessPlugin64-16.2 -> C:\Users\Augusto Nascetti\AppData\Local\Microsoft\SkypeForBusinessPlugin\\npGatewayNpapi-x64.dll [2019-08-03] (Microsoft Corporation -> Microsoft Corporation)Chrome:===CHR DefaultProfile: Defa...
Oracle Java JRE / JDK: Java 1.8 软件依赖的细节可以参考 Supported Platforms Note: Confluence 只支持软件包中的 Apache Tomcat 版本 Confluence 软件包中已经打包好了 Java Runtime Environment (JRE),不需要额外安装 杀毒软件会明显影响 Confluence 的运行速度,所以最好在杀毒软件中排除掉 Confluence 的家目录,...
echo "Usage: `basename $0` -v [single | cluster | devops | ci] -s [dgiot_n] -p [your_dgiot_plugin] -d [your_domain_name] -m [dgiotmd5] -e [pg_eip] -a [pg_auth]" exit 0 } function check_os_type() { # get the operating system type for using the corresponding ...