Kasutage DISM-i või kolmanda osapoole tööriistu, et rakendada kettale otse olemasolev Windows 11 pilt. NB!:Windows 11 pildiinstall ei kontrolli järgmisi nõudeid: TPM 2.0 (nõutav on vähemalt TPM 1.2) ning protsessoripere ja mudel. ...
11. Parandage ja defragmenteerige kõvakettad. Optimeerige arvuti kõvakettad, selleks parandage ja defragmenteerige need:Windows 10 ja Windows 8võiWindows 7 ja Vista. 12. Skannige süsteemi, et seal poleks viiruseid. Kasutage süsteemis viiruste skannimiseks kaasaegset viiruset...
IIS comes with Windows XP Pro, so there is no need to install Windows Server 2003 to get it. ASP.NET is part of the .NET Framework, so there is no need to worry about that part. As you've already installed Visual Studio prior to installing IIS (done from Control Panel->Add Remove...
kuna need operatsioonisüsteemid ei vastaOffice’i süsteeminõuetele. Kui proovite installida Office’i arvutisse, kus töötab operatsioonisüsteem, mida ei toetata, kuvatakse tõrketeade. (Kui soovite üksikasjalikumat teavet Windowsi uusima versiooni kohta, vaadakeWindows...
I AM NOT ABLE TO INSTALL Windows 11, version 22H2 Insider Preview 10.0.22572.100 (ni_release) I AM NOT ABLE TO INSTALL THE WINDOW 11, I AM HAVING AN ERROR CODE: 0xc1900101 AND SOMETIMES 0xc1900130 I USED WUFIX SUGGESTED BY CUSTOMER CARE, THE UPDAT...
@Divine_Oge If you're on Windows 11, you may be able to activate it by going to the devices page on your MS account and select a machine that you may no longer use that is running Windows 10 and select the option that allows you to identify your ...
Nome macchina virtuale: myWindowsVM Immagine: Windows 10 Pro Nome utente: azureuser Password: Secret123456 Selezionare la casella di controllo in Licenze. Seleziona Rivedi e crea e quindi seleziona Crea. La creazione della macchina virtuale e del...
Windows PowerShell Web Access requires Web Server (IIS), .NET Framework 4.5, and Windows PowerShell 3.0 or Windows PowerShell 4.0 to be running on the server on which you want to run the gateway. You can install Windows PowerShell Web Access on a server that is running Windo...
Step 1: Configure IIS Apache listens for requests on TCP/IP port 80. You need to uninstall or disable any program that uses that port. If you have a Professional or Server version of Windows, you may already have IIS installed. If you would prefer Apache, eitherremove IIS as a Windows ...
Windows 11: Pro and Enterprise Windows 10: Professional and Enterprise Windows 8.1 (x86, x64): Professional and Enterprise Distribution points can support a variety of configurations, each with their own set of requirements. In some cases, these configurations permit installation on client operating ...