The main problem with new Kali Linux 1.0.7 running Kernel 3.14 was that it broke Pyrit and cudaHashcat. When you try to run pyrit command, you get this error ERROR: could not insert ‘nvidia_uvm’: Invalid argument. I will show how to install all the necessary drivers, modules and ...
The problem with termux is you cant install all packages that contained on linux with termux .So in that case you should install a linux shell (ubuntu, kali, ...) on termux. The one reason for that is termux is based on arm architecture.for example , if i use linux on raspberry pi...
Is Hashcat cross-platform? Hashcat can run on most operating systems (Linux, Windows and macOS). The installation is slightly different on each system, but the command usage is the same on all platforms. You can find my guide onhow to install Hashcat on Ubuntuthere. How to install OpenC...
You use the first guide to install NVIDIA Driver on Kali Linux. I would assume you followed the first guide and completed all steps there and would like to enable GPU acceleration, (cudahashcat, GPU pass through etc.) on your Kali Linux. CUDA Toolkit The NVIDIA® CUDA® Toolkit...
Tool updates every linux directory and all dependencies needed to work tor, argparse, pyrit, requests, proxychains4, aptitude, Seclists, synaptic, brave, hashcat, etc... Script to install the most popular tools used when looking for vulnerabilities for a Bug bounty or Pentest bounty...
BlackArch Linuxis a fast, light-weight Linux distribution specially made for security researchers and penetration testers. As the name implies, BlackArch Linux is based on Arch Linux. Like it's rival distroKali Linux, It comes with plethora of security and penetration tools. As of writing this,...
blackMORE Ops….I recently had an assignment to use HashCat in Kali Linux and nothing I could find worked and I did get the black screen of death that even adjusting memory and cores couldn’t fix. This process worked at some point in Kali because some videos I have seen are dated aro...
cat /proc/version Linux version 3.7-trunk-amd64 ( (gcc version 4.7.2 (Debian 4.7.2-5) ) #1 SMP Debian 3.7.2-0+kali8 patch 3.7.1 work in kernel 3.7.2? ;| now Intel graphic work fine. but if reboot with the dedicated card, server x start root@kal...
Install AMD ATI Driver (fglrx) in Kali Linux 1.x How to install AMD APP SDK in Kali Linux? How to install CAL++ in Kali Linux? How to install Pyrit in Kali Linux? Credits: A big thanks goes tohexed6from Kali Forums for hisoriginal post. ...
Step A.1: Install gnome-tweak-tool in Kali Linux To install themes manually, we need to install a tool calledGnome Tweak Tool. But before you do that, please ensure you have the correct Kali Repositories added. You can follow my guide onadding official repositories in Kali Linux. ...