The Linux VMs with Hyper-V Linux Integration Services installed can apply the Hyper-V time synchronization feature to use the time of the host operating system. To ensure that the system clock remains accurate, you must enable this feature...
install .net in addition to the .net runtime, you must install core runtime on all supported linux distributions before you install or upgrade the linux vda. version 6 is required for amazon linux 2. version 8 is required for other distributions. if your...
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How to fix curl: (35) SSL certificate problem: Couldn't understand the server certificate format? 3 gpg-agent stopped working 4 install gpg with homebrew 7 How do I use my GPG agent for SSH everywhere? 0 How can I fix the gpg-agent: Bad CPU type problem? 1 gpg-agent running but...
Gli agenti richiedono l'accesso alla arsenal TCP porta 443. Non richiedono l'apertura di alcuna porta in entrata. Ad esempio, se la tua regione di residenza èeu-central-1, utilizzerai quanto segue:
Ubuntu/DebianRHEL/CentOSFedoraAmazon LinuxManual Install the required packages. $ sudo apt-get update && \ sudo apt-get install wget gpg coreutils Add the HashiCorp GPG key. $ wget -O- | \ sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archi...
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info 'Failed to find memory cgroup, you may need to add "cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory" to your linux cmdline (/boot/cmdline.txt on a Raspberry Pi)' fi [ "${INSTALL_K3S_SKIP_ENABLE}" = true ] && return [ "${HAS_SYSTEMD}" = true ] && systemd_enable ...