you can still install and use Google Maps on HUAWEI smartphones and tablets, including popular models like the HUAWEI P40 Pro and Nova 7i. With a few extra steps, you can enjoy the full functionality of Google Maps on your device
Download and install the Google Maps Go on your incompatible Android devices with this simple method offered for PWA Apps. Google Released a lite version of Google Maps for a low-end Android device with the nameGoogle Maps Go. The App is a part of optimized Google apps for Android Oreo Go...
How to install Google Maps from AppGalleryand 5 others like this post.Published 20/02/2023 17:58 Report All Comments (3) Noof Almurisi LV5 3# 👍🏻 30/03/2023 02:19 0 reply Report Tahani LV5 2# 👌 21/02/2023 02:40 0 reply Report Ghassan AbdulAal LV6 1...
<library name="android.test.runner" file="/system/framework/android.test.runner.jar"/> <library name="" file="/system/framework/"/> <library name="" file="/system/framework/"/> <library name=...
Tutorial: How to install Google Maps, Play Store & GMS framework on Huawei Mate 30 Pro! Post on: Nov 22, 2019 Alex In early 2019, US has begin sanction on certain Chinese smartphone & equipment stating that it possess security risk. Suppliers contract were terminated and Google is...
Accidentally removed Google Play Store app or it is not pre-installed on your Android phone? Learn how to download and install the app again in this guide.
因为我是看到tinyfool 《那些年我赶过的时髦技术趋势》,在赞叹的时候,也让我对我有好些回忆,所以想...
You've installed a custom ROM on your Android device, but for some reason, all the Google apps are missing! Google Play Store, YouTube, Maps, Gmail, and all the rest are gone. Unfortunately, you're going to have to install them yourself, and unless you know what you're doing, this...
Now, find the Google Play Store APK and install it. You can start installing Google apps on your Android device. We recommend installing Google Play Services and then proceeding with Play Store, Maps, and other Google applications. Enjoy! Method 4: Install Google Play Services on your Huawei ...
dependencies { implementation ("com.mapbox.maps:android:10.15.0") } The problem is when I insert the following code into settings.gradle.kts: dependencyResolutionManagement { repositoriesMode.set(RepositoriesMode.FAIL_ON_PROJECT_REPOS) repositories { google() mavenCentral() maven (){ url 'https:...