By the way, this isn’t a production setting and, just as a data point, for a very long time (years),GitLab-CEhas performed wonderfly onFedora. Because I runFedoraas the bare-metal serverO/Sthat is HOST to severalFedora GUEST LXC containers, for consistency I took a ...
Created an SELinux Policy to allow sysadm_t open/read/ioctl access on gitlab_shell_t module allow_sysadm_t_gitlab_shell_t 1.0; require { type sysadm_t; type gitlab_shell_t; class file { open read ioctl }; } #=== sysadm_t === allow sysadm_t gitlab_shell_t:file open; all...
翻译于官方文档 [Install/CentOS]("") 此篇没有关于SSL、防火墙、SElinux、PgSQL(PostgreSQL)、Apache的安装配置,官方文档中包含SElinx、防火墙、SSL、PgSQL、Apache的配置。 由于GitLab为英文版本,所以选择了[GitLab 中文版本]("https:/...
Once your Makefile is in place, compile your Git files using: sudo make install When completed, check the Git version to ensure the installation was successful. git --version Installing Git on Fedora Similar to CentOS, installing Git on Fedora can be done using two options: Install Git ...
sudo yum install git [OnRHEL/CentOS/FedoraandRocky/AlmaLinux] sudo apt install git [OnDebian, Ubuntu and Mint] After git is successfully installed, you can issue the following command to display the version ofGitinstalled. git --versiongit version 2.41.0 ... ...
Fedora/RedHat/CentOS Install on RHEL family: sudoyum installgit sudodnfinstallgit How to Configure Git Once you install Git, you will get access to all its commands that you can use to work with local and remote repositories. However, you need to configure it for first-time use. We will... If you are unable to download,, then click theRawbutton on the right. PressCtrl/Cmd+Ato select all,Ctrl/Cmd+Cto...
Steps to install Git on AlmaLinux or Rocky Linux 9 / 8 The commands given here to set up Git on RPM-based Rocky or AlmaLinux will be the same for similar Linux, such as CentOS, Fedora, Oracle Linux, RedHat, and others. 1. Requirements: ...
GitLab services are not restarted at the end of the upgrade when upgrading GitLab on el8 Steps to reproduce install GitLab 12.8.1 on CentOS8 upgrade it to 12.8.6 on other operating system, there is a GitLab restart happening at the end of the upgrade starting with the messageRestarting ...