pip install -e git+https://github.com/user/repository.git#egg=package_name 这将以可编辑模式安装指定的 Git 仓库。 可编辑模式的效果: 1.在可编辑模式下安装的包实际上是对项目源代码的符号链接,而不是复制文件到 Python 安装目录。 2. 这意味着你可以直接在项目源代码中进行更改,并且这些更改会立即反映...
Documentation Issue The path to GCM is no longer, at least for git version 2.43.0.windows.1, git config --global credential.helper "/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Git/mingw64/bin/git-credential-manager.exe" but git config --global credential.help...
Install Git with Windows Package Manager Windows Package Manager (winget)is an open source package manager developed and built by Microsoft. It can help you install, manage and upgrade software on your Windows desktops. If you have Windows Package Manager installed on your machine, you can use t...
Use the default option OpenSSL library and Git Credential Manager Core for a better experience. If you are new to Git, keep everything at default. As you become more comfortable with it, you can make changes using the Git command line. Windows Installer Options To validate the installation...
and pulling over HTTP to your remote Git repositories on Bitbucket. Every time you interact with the remote repository, you must supply a username/password combination. You can store these credentials, instead of supplying the combination every time, with theGit Credential Manager for Windows. ...
Use the default option OpenSSL library and Git Credential Manager Core for a better experience. If you are new to Git, keep everything at default. As you become more comfortable with it, you can make changes using the Git command line. Windows Installer Options To validate the installation...
(Windows and ssh-agent don't play well.) Do you call a local git binary, or do you roll your own git support? I believe (could be wrong!) that pip and pipx use the local git binary, which automatically knows to talk to Git Credential Manager. OK... I just tried this again, an...
filter.lfs.process=git-lfs filter-process filter.lfs.required=true credential.helper=manager Thehttp.sslcainfodefines the CA Certificate store. To append the Cloudflare certificate to the CA bundle, updatehttp.sslcainfo. PowerShell gc .\certificate.pem|ac$(git config--get http.s...
Step 14: Choosing a Credential Manager In this step, you will be asked to choose a credential manager. Proceed with the default optionGit Credential Manager Coreand clickNext. Step 15: Configuring Extra Options Select the features you want. I find the default options sufficient for my needs. ...
git clone https://github.com/dockersamples/example-voting-app The example voting app will be downloaded on your computer. Next, navigate to the directory where the app’s source code is stored. 3. Check the IP address.Run thedocker-machine IPcommand in the Docker Quickstart Terminal to acces...