sudo dnf install git If you prefer to install and compile the git form source, you can follow the below commands. wget tar xvjf git-2.43.0.tar.gz cd git-* ./configure make sudo make install How to Create a Git Project...
On version 20.2, with specific repositories, when the install gets to the clone step it stalls there, and the process never completes. The temporary folder is initialized, and the hidden.gitrepo appears to be populated and in-tact, but the rest of the repo is empty and the process never ...
git init Clone GitHub Repository Follow the steps below toclone a repositoryfrom GitHub to your local Windows machine: 1. In aweb browser, navigate to your repository on GitHub. 2. Click theCodebutton and select theHTTPS or SSHoption, depending on how you want to secure your connection. For...
For development, if you have Vagrant installed, you can clone the repo and run 'vagrant up'. We useScripts to Rule Them Allsoscript/updatewill update your checkout,script/serverwill run a dev server, andscript/testwill run the tests. ...
首先使用快捷键 win+r 打开运行窗口,然后输入 cmd ,确定后打开 dos 命令行窗口,进入创建好的文件夹 git clone image.png 5.登录Heroku账号 输入 heroku login 命令,打开默认浏览器,然后输入用户名和密码 heroku login image.png image.png...使用...
安装pyaudio 运行一下命令: $sudo apt-get install python-pyaudio $ sudo apt-get install git $ git clone $ sudo apt-get install libportaudio0 libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0...portaudio19-dev $ sudo apt-get python-dev 此时...
cd ~ && git clone && . FGSpecsPermissionConfig/ 等待执行完毕,继续pod install就好了 目前仅支持github上 star6000以上的本人觉得比较常用的OC流行框架,总计2259个版本的pod库的极速下载, 超出之外不能高速下载,请添加普通下载通道: ...
git clone -b $JD_BASE_BRANCH $Proxy_URL$JD_BASE_URL $BASE ## 创建目录 mkdir $BASE/config mkdir $BASE/log ## 根据安装目录配置定时任务 sed -i "s#BASE#$BASE#g" $BASE/sample/computer.list.sample ## 创建项目配置文件与定时任务配置文件 cp $BASE/sample/ $BASE...
特别是ubuntu: sudo apt install libmagickwand-dev gem install jekyll bundler rmagick git clone cd Website bundle 在 Windows 上在 Windows 上,您需要使用 。 下面的说明基于和。 下载 ubuntu 后,打开 powershell 或命令提示符,或直接打开 ubuntu(并跳过第一行...
gh repo clone garywoodfine/software-design-patterns Forking a repository is just as easy gh repo fork garywoodfine/software-design-patterns During the forking process, the tool will ask you if you want to clone as well. If you say“yesâ€, it will do the ...