This is whereRuby on Maccan save you a ton of time. It has a “reset” mode that can safely back up and clean up your dev setup in less than 1 minute, and then you can run it in “normal” mode to reinstall everything you need from scratch in less than 15 minutes....
RedisDump 是一个用于 Redis 数据导人/导出的工具,是基于 Ruby 实现的,需要先安装 Ruby。但因为 Mac 自带有 Ruby 所以我直接用gem install redis-dump进行安装,但却出现错误。 不想更改系统自带的环境,因为后面遇到兼容性问题会很麻烦。于是我重新用 homebrew 装了一个 Ruby ,简单的一句指令即可: brewinstallruby...
6. $ rvm install 2.0.0因Xcode更新,会有类似_utimensat symbol not found 需补充执行 xcode-select --install 7. $ rvm 2.0.0 --default 8. $ ruby -v 9. $ gem -v 10. $ gem source -r 11. $ gem source -a替换网址,通过gem sources -l...
I installed gems to project and it failed with message: Fetching websocket-driver 0.7.5 Installing websocket-driver 0.7.5 with native extensions Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. current directory: /home/...
mac sudo gem install cocoapods 没反应 macos can not be installed,相关环境 MacOS11.0.1VirtualBox6.1.12VirtualBox6.1.16 问题描述 MacOS从Catalina升级到BigSur之后,运行Virtua
What you might be interested to know is that Ruby comes preinstalled on your Mac. Don't believe me? Open the Terminal and type: 1 ruby -v Likely, the version number will return1.8.7. While you might be tempted to stick with that, you probably shouldn't for a couple reasons: ...
Fails during install by 'sudo gem install ruby2d' on unmet SDL dependecies, but all deps are installed and up to date. Here is more info: System: MX Linux, kernel 5.18.0-4mx-amd64, desktop XFCE 4.18.0, distro: MX-21.3_ahs_x64 Wildflower ...
要删除通过 `gem install` 安装的文档,请按照以下步骤操作: 1. 首先,打开终端(在 macOS 或 Linux 上)或命令提示符(在 Windows 上)。 2. 输入以下命令以卸载...
This command installs the client named RemoteClient05 on the Configuration Manager site that has the site code CM1. Parameters -AlwaysInstallClient Indicates whether Configuration Manager always installs the client. Udvid tabel Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept...
Install Carthage on your Mac using a download from their website or if using Homebrewbrew install carthage. You must create aCartfilethat lists the MSAL library for this project on Github. Copy github "AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-objc" "dev" ...