WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04 gcc and build essentioals installed Collaborator jcoglan commented Oct 1, 2021 In general, as I've mentioned elsewhere (#69, #54, #35, #18) I'm not able to provide Windows support. However I notice the errors above look like they come from Node.js, which should ...
Run Xming to start the X server. It will run in the background, and you’ll see its icon in the taskbar. 4. Set Up the DISPLAY Environment Variable in Ubuntu (WSL2) Open the.bashrcor.zshrcfile in Ubuntu to set theDISPLAYvariable: bash Copy code nano ~/.bashrc Add this line at th...
Step 2. Set up username and password in the Ubuntu terminal. Do not close the window until you have a username and password set up. (The password does not show up as you type it.) Step 3. Set the version of the subsystem to 1 by pasting the following command: wsl --set-version ...
> @expo/traveling-fastlane-linux@1.10.0 preinstall C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\expo-cli\node_modules\@expo\traveling-fastlane-linux > node platform.js Does not seem like WSL enabled on this machine. Download a Linux distro from the Windows Store, run it at least once...
npm ERR! missing: is-docker@2.1.1, required by is-wsl@2.2.0 PS E:\VueCli\iMac> npm prune -g npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'E:\VueCli\iMac\package.json' npm WARN . No description npm WARN . No repository field. ...
WSL2 will provide the environment for advanced developers to build and test different PostgreSQL extensions not available in binary form or created exclusively for Linux, e.g.,pg_squeeze,pg_show_plans,pg_crash,pg_partman, etc. Install WSL2 ...
case"$KERN"in *icrosoft*WSL2|*icrosoft*wsl2);; *icrosoft)error"Microsoft WSL1 is not currently supported. Please upgrade to WSL2 with 'wsl --set-version <distro> 2'";; *);; esac SUDO= if["$(id-u)"-ne0];then # Running as root, no need for sudo ...
当我尝试用sudo npm install -g npm更新npm时,Ubuntu提示错误 操作系统版本是Ubuntu,在WSL Version 20H2 (OS build 19042.746)下运行,我在旧版本的Win10中没有遇到过这个问题。 root@DESKTOP-D03G7FK:~# sudo npm u...
“'sudo npm install -g npm”失败 、、 当我尝试用sudo npm install -g npm更新npm时,Ubuntu提示错误 操作系统版本是Ubuntu,在WSL Version 20H2 (OS build 19042.746)下运行root@DESKTOP-D03G7FK:~# sudo npm update npm -gnpm ERR!errno: -13, npm 浏览136提问于2021-02-12得票数 3 回答已采纳 ...
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