一般而言,Adobe Flash Player ActiveX(install_flash_player_10_active_x.exe)设置默认开机自动启动,一定程度上将导致电脑开机时,系统需要花更多的时间和内存来启动电脑。除了Adobe Flash Player ActiveX(install_flash_player_10_active_x.exe)的自启动,电脑中还有其他软件也会设置自动启动。当自启动程序越多,电脑的...
是对应IE浏览器的flash player adobe flash player 10 plugin即install_flash_player.exe 是对应Firefox, Safari, Opera浏览器的flash player 添加或删除程序里点击adobe flash player 10 activeX,然后看到“单击此处获得支持信息”,点击它就能看到版本信息了 ...
http://get.adobe.com/shockwave/thankyou/activex/?installer=Shockwave_11.5.6.606_for_Windows_Slim_ActiveX&d=Google_Toolbar_6.3 等待几秒后 点击上面的安装activeX控件 此链接不安装google工具栏 如要要安装谷哥工具栏改为 http://get.adobe.com/shockwave/thankyou/activex/?installer=Shockwave...
However, it looks like the debug player failed to install with my Web Premium installation, so I tried to download and install the Flash 10 Debug player. I started out with the most recent build (, but it fails to install "The version of Adobe Flash Player that...
Summary: The Installation from the Adobe download site installs Flash Player 10ActiveX AND the Shockwave Flash Object I think the Stand Alone Version of the Installer installs ONLY the Flash Player, NOT the Shockwave Flash Object That is why #1 in the post previous to ...
WARNING: DS013: Payload {7E5AA19B-0B85-4f44-BA26-728851489200} Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX is already installed and the session payload {5EE868D6-7B6B-49ee-AF60-09B1358AFFD7} Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it. ...
当屏幕上出现安装 adobe flash player 的提示后,先卸载 adobe flash player 10 activeX ,然后点击开始、运行(R)... ,输入 regedit 打开电脑注册表,再顺序点击展开下列各项:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Macromedia,将 Macromedia 文件夹删除,adobe flash player 即可安装了。卸载 adobe flash player...
你这个问题分几步进行。一:打开浏览器》工具菜单》Internet属性》高级》还原默认设置。(然后关闭所有IE)二:到C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash文件夹中双击FlashUtil10l_ActiveX.exe这个文件,或 者使用360工具卸载。三:重新启动电脑,第一时间打开你的QQ软件,随便将一个好友打开,看见上面提示安装...
Hi. I'm having problems installing flash player. I install the program over the internet and I'm told it has been successfully installed, however when I go to - 2721860
http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/updaters/10/flashplayer_10_ax_debug.exe Then I try to install flash player with it and get this error: The version of Adobe Flash Player ActiveX that you are trying to install is not the most current version. Please visit http://www.a...