1. add source debhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/wengxt/fcitx-nightly/ubuntulucid main sudo apt-key adv –recv-keys –keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.comFAF69C646FF368B7 2. sudo apt-get update 3. remove ibus sudo apt-get remove ibus 4. install fcitx sudo apt-get install fcitx 5. set fcitx as ...
Ubuntu 12.04中文输入法的安装 Ubuntu上的输入法主要有小小输入平台(支持拼音/二笔/五笔等),Fcitx,Ibus,Scim等。其中Scim和Ibus是输入法框架。 在Ubuntu的中文系统中自带了中文输入法,通过Ctrl+Space可切换中英文输入法。这里我们主要说下Ubuntu英文系统中,中文输入法的安装。 安装输入法的第一步,是安装语言包。我们...
In step 6 , you change fcitx to scim. In step 8, you change all fcitx to scim and the rest will be the same. Although here we use stable version of fcitx as a sample, you can always use approach C to download and compile the latest version at any time you like. Good luck and ...
UPDATE: Installing SouGou PinYin will add a Kylin repository into your system, you may keep it and install the key so that apt update won't boring you with missing GPG issue: # apt-key adv –keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com –recv-keys 8D5A09DC9B929006 配置Fcitx的环境:在~/.bashrc中加入...
fcitx安装成功了,配置也OK,在浏览器或者其他应用里面可以用,但在terminal中不能使用,这是因为没有装fcitx的图形管理包所导致的。 kde依赖于qt5,而gnome依赖于gtk3(fedora 23是这个版本) kde界面使用: #apt-get install fcitx-qt5 gnome界面使用: #apt-get install fcitx-gtk3...
Install TigerVNC on Ubuntu To install TigerVNC, execute the command below: sudo apt install tigervnc-standalone-server After a successful installation, we need to perform the initial VNC configuration, set up a VNC access password and initialize the VNC server. ...
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/fcitx-team/nightly/ubuntu quantal main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/fcitx-team/nightly/ubuntu quantal main The 4 update source sudo apt-get update 5 installation of fcitx and fcitx-sunpinyin input method (can not install) ...
Note: Download the package from Browser,Linux_64-bit.deb.Then, just click the deb file and click 'install'. If you use an old Ubuntu version, just followthis page. After that, you also need to reboot the system. install fcitx and change the input source to SogouPinyin ...
fcitx.desktop /usr/share/app-install/desktop/fcitx-ui-light:fcitx-light.desktop /usr/share/app-install/desktop/fcitx-ui-qimpanel:fcitx-qimpanel-configtool.desktop /usr/share/app-install/desktop/feh:feh.desktop /usr/share/app-install/desktop/felix-latin:felix.desktop /usr/share/app-install/desktop...
InstallKDEPlasma and XRDP onUbuntuServer It has been a long time since I last installed my desktop environment: I can't remember many things, and I've encountered new problems. Here's a brief record of what happened and possible solutions, just in case. ...