在Ubuntu操作系统下,使用apt-get工具安装php扩展库显得极为方便。为了安装常用的mcrypt、curl和gd库,我们只需在终端中输入以下命令:apt-get install php5-mcrypt;apt-get install php5-curl;apt-get install php5-gd;在完成安装后,需要重启apache服务,确保新安装的库能正常加载。执行命令:service ...
UBUNTU 14 Mcrypt PHP extension install PHP 安装Mcrypt 包, 顺便安装 php 开发环境 sudo apt-getinstall php5-mcrypt php5-dev 将配置文件链接给 PHP sudoln-s /etc/php5/conf.d/mcrypt.ini /etc/php5/mods-available 开启Mcrypt 模块 sudo php5enmod mcrypt sudo service apache2 restart...
Step 3: Install Ondrej PHP repository on Ubuntu 20.04 PHP 8.1 is not available on the official Ubuntu repositories. In order to install it, we need to add the Ondrej PHP repository which provides the latest versions of PHP. To achieve this, we will run the command: $ sudo add-apt-reposi...
sudo apt-cache search php7-* 或者可以源码安装 1.下载php7的源码包 2.tar -zxvf 解压 3.安装一些依赖 sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt libmcrypt-dev sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev 4./configure --prefix=/zhou.data/php/php7 --enable-maintainer-zts -with-mysqli=mysqlnd --wit...
PEAR package PHP_Archive not installed: generated phar will require PHP's phar extension be enabled. clicommand.inc phar.inc invertedregexiterator.inc pharcommand.inc directorygraphiterator.inc directorytreeiterator.inc Build complete. Don't forget to run 'make test'. ...
首先,打开Ubuntu的终端应用程序。 更新软件包列表: 更新Ubuntu的软件包列表,以确保安装的软件包是最新的。在终端中输入以下命令: bash sudo apt update 安装PHP及其相关组件: 根据你的需求,你可以选择安装PHP的基本包或者包括其他扩展的包。例如,如果你只需要基本的PHP功能,可以只安装php包。但如果你需要与MySQL...
Install system dependencies (e.g., Ubuntu APT packages) If needed, use docker-php-ext-configure to configure the extension prior to installation. Use docker-php-ext-install to install the extension.Make things easier with docker-php-extension-installer...
1.下载php7的源码包 2.tar -zxvf 解压 3.安装一些依赖 sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt libmcrypt-dev sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev 4./configure --prefix=/zhou.data/php/php7 --enable-maintainer-zts -with-mysqli=mysqlnd --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd --with-mhash --with-openss...
currently 8.1 on your Ubuntu 22.04 system or server and configure it with Apache and Nginx. By default Ubuntu 22.04 ships with PHP 8.1, you can install it easily. You will also learn how to install a different version of PHP and downgrade or upgrade your PHP version to latest or a ...
Finally, remove the PHP configuration files with the following command: #sudo rm -rf /etc/php/7.4 Initiate the uninstallation process by executing this command in the terminal to remove PHP packages. Uninstall PHP 8.1 on Ubuntu The process of uninstalling PHP 8.1 is similar to uninstalling PHP...