错误代码 0x80070643 通常与Windows更新或软件安装失败相关,它可能由多种原因引起,包括系统文件损坏、注册表错误、磁盘空间不足、防病毒软件干扰等。以下是一些解决此错误的步骤: 确认错误代码含义: 错误代码 0x80070643 通常表示安装或更新过程中遇到了无法克服的问题,导致操作失败。检查...
[46E0:09A4][2024-08-21T18:27:11]e000: Error 0x80070643: Failed to configure per-machine MSI package.[46E0:09A4][2024-08-21T18:27:11]i319: Applied execute package: Intel_XtuInstaller.msi, result: 0x80070643, restart: None[46E0:09A4][2024-08-21T18:27:11]e000: Error 0x80070643...
网上找了很多的网友答案,要么是说权限问题,要么是说修复MSI软件更新注册损坏问题,还有说.net framework的问题,总结测试下来,这些都还是没有能够解决我的安装问题,最后在百度Failed To Install MSI Package : Error 0x80070643这句关键词后,我在后面几页里文章里才找到一篇讲怎么解决...
Sincerely, Hanan Hi Hanan_lenovo, I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with the Windows update. The error code 0x80070643 is a common issue that usually occurs due to a corrupted Microsoft .NET Framework installation or a problem with the Microsoft Softwa...
如果你用的是盗版系统,msi二进制发行包很可能是不完整的 我刚看了另一个回答,他给你的方案是在线检查并安装缺少的系统组件,需要在管理员的命令提示符运行
https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/a15b9040-e6b0-480b-8c9c-1d9f6be1d866/error-0x80070643-fatal-error-during-installation?forum=winserverwsus Feel free to feed back if it still couldn't work, let's do further troubleshooting. ...
>> Error 0x80070643: Process returned error: 0x643Based on my understanding, the error message above may occur due to corrupted .Net framework installation. Try to repair your .Net framework see if it helps. If not, please upload the complete installation log to onedrive and share the link ...
KB5034441 fails to install with error code 0x80070643. Feedback from a long time patcher here: The manner in which this particular update has been handled has been poor in my opinion. The update is only being pushed out to Windows update or Windows upd...Show More W...
1Windows 10 Update error 0x80070643 1.1Use Windows Update Troubleshooter 1.2Restart Windows Update Service 1.3Check and Repair System Files 1.4Free Up Disk Space Windows 10 Update error 0x80070643 You may also encounter this error on your Windows 10 device, error message stating, “There were some...
2016-06-16 20:28:04 Error MWUSSetup DoInstall: Wsus setup failed (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.) Further details are provided in the WSUSSetupmsi_160616_2026.log file. MSI (s) (8C:E0) [20:27:39:394]: Product: Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2 -- Error 172...