Provision EKS add-on via the AWS CLI Execute the following command to install the NewRelic add-on, with --cluster-name as the name of your EKS cluster. bashCopy $ aws eks create-addon --cluster-name REPLACE_ME --addon-name new-relic_kubernetes-operator ...
This guide shows you how to deploy Percona Operator for MySQL on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). The document assumes some experience with Amazon EKS. For more information on the EKS, see the Amazon EKS official documentation .
kubectl apply -k Create theappmesh-systemnamespace: kubectl create ns appmesh-system Install the App Mesh controller: helm upgrade -i appmesh-controller eks/appmesh-controller \ --wait --namespace appmesh-system In order t...
I fixed this by adding a new LoadBalancer service zookeeper-client using the extraDeploy variable that only exposed port 2181. Explicitly setting the healthCheckPort to 2181 using the annotation on the original service didn't work as i...
ECR_URI=$(/etc/eks/ "${BINARY_BUCKET_REGION}" "${AWS_DOMAIN}") PAUSE_CONTAINER="${ECR_URI}/eks/pause:${PAUSE_CONTAINER_VERSION}" cat /etc/eks/containerd/containerd-config.toml | sed s,SANDBOX_IMAGE,$PAUSE_CONTAINER,g | sudo tee /etc/eks/containerd/containerd-cached-...
One install, one cluster, snap! Today, we’re excited to announce that EKS is available outside of AWS, on any Ubuntu system, with the EKS snap. This announcement builds on the existing collaboration between Amazon and Canonical to ensure the quality, se
aws eks create-addon --addon-name kubecost_kubecost --cluster-name $YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME --region $AWS_REGION Learn how to remove an EKS Add-on, such as Kubecost. Install Kubecost using Helm An existing Amazon EKS cluster. To deploy one, see Get started with Amazon EKS. The cluster must...
$ssh -i my.pem ubuntu@ to Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-1065-aws x86_64) ... ubuntu@ip-172-31-50-87:~$ Install kubectl The Kubernetes command-line tool,kubectl, allows us to run commands against Kubernetes clusters to deploy applications, inspect and manage ...
Explains how to use AWS Systems Manager to install the CloudWatch agent to collect metrics, logs, and traces from Amazon EC2 instances and on-premises servers.
juju bootstrap aws my-controller Add a Kubernetes model The model holds a specific deployment. It is a good idea to create a new one specifically for each deployment. juju add-model k8s Remember that you can have multiple models on each controller, so you can deploy multiple Kubernetes cluste...