重新安裝 EA app 在PC 上 關閉EA app。 開啟控制台(可透過在「開始」功能表中搜尋控制台找到)。 在程式下方,選擇解除安裝程式。 選擇EA app,並且解除安裝。 重新安裝 EA app,然後嘗試再次安裝遊戲。 在Mac 上 關閉EA app。 選擇Finder,然後選擇應用程式。 在應用程式清單中找到 EA app。 選擇EA app ,按住...
Summarize your bugWhenever I try to install the EA app it shows up with an error saying that "Something went wrong... The EA app encountered an error and couldn't finish installing." This happened randomly as the EA app stopped working on my computer so what I did was I went to...
If your download’s not working or your games won’t install, try these troubleshooting steps for PC or Mac games in the EA app. How to troubleshoot download issues Clear cache If you're having trouble downloading games, clear your cache usingApp Recoveryto see if that fixes your issue. ...
install EA app. What happens when the bug occurs?don't finish installing. What do you expect to see?I want our ideal app. I have fifa 23 in Steam and I can't install the EA app. (cm edit - updated title) Product:The EA app Platform:PC Error Report ID (learn how to create...
I have a Jetson Nano with the OS installed from nv-jetson-nano-sd-card-image-r32.3.1.zip As a newbie to Jetson and Python I started working through the Hello AI World pages and all was going well until I came to the "Transfer Learning wi...
Installs the latest GE-Proton and Installs Non Steam Launchers under 1 Proton prefix folder and adds them to your steam library. Installs... Battle.net, Epic Games, Ubisoft, GOG, Origin, The EA App, Amazon Games, itch.io , Legacy Games, The Humble Games
* system (set by /Users/lyncean/.jenv/version) 1.8 oracle64- Configure the java version which you want to use: $ jenv global oracle64- To set JAVA_HOME: $ jenv enable-plugin export Share Improve this answer Follow edited Apr 3, 2020 at 22:11...
Action string for {0D067D13-C3D7-4EA6-B346-740CD91FD547} Adobe Bridge CS5 is none Value returned on lookup of payload: {15FEDA5F-141C-4127-8D7E-B962D1742728} Adobe Photoshop CS5 is: false Action string for {15FEDA5F-141C-4127-8D7E-B962D1742728} Adob...
Action string for {0D067D13-C3D7-4EA6-B346-740CD91FD547} Adobe Bridge CS5 is none Value returned on lookup of payload: {15FEDA5F-141C-4127-8D7E-B962D1742728} Adobe Photoshop CS5 is: false Action string for {15FEDA5F-141C-4127-8D7E-B962D1742728} Adob...
[0FE0:1C50][2020-10-07T10:56:25]i000: File search: wfsF93EA3B6D5237BB50F763628FB86F0CB, did not find path: C:\Users\songeta\Desktop\packages\dotnetframework\NDP48-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe [0FE0:1C50][2020-10-07...