This parameter is obsolete and may be removed in a future version of this script. The recommended alternative is '-Runtime dotnet'. Installs just the shared runtime bits, not the entire SDK. .PARAMETER Runtime Installs just a shared runtime, not the entire SDK. Possible values: - dotnet...
Chiselled Ubuntu runtime imagefor.NET apps…5ubuntu/telegraf Telegraf collects, processes, aggregates & w…4ubuntu/dotnet-aspnet Chiselled Ubuntu runtime imageforASP.NET a…3 当执行这个命令时,Docker 会连接到 Docker Hub 并搜索 Ubuntu 相关的镜像。搜索结果包括了镜像名称、描述、星级、官方/非官方等信...
I am trying to install dotnet-ef package through dotnet cli, how ever it gave me 401 (Unauthorized) error. The command I run is dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef what I don't understand is, the dotnet-ef is a public package that anyone can install, what is this "authorized" abo...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 2.2.7 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.AspNetCore.App] Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 3.0.0-preview3-19153-02 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.AspNetCore.App] Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 3.1.0 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.AspNetCore.App] Microsoft...
sudo yum install -y dotnet-sdk-5.0 } function install_ffmpeg() { sudo yum install yasm wget tar -zxvf ffmpeg-4.1.tar.gz cd ffmpeg-4.1 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ffmpeg make && make install sudo ln -s /usr/local/...
dotnet ef是一个命令行工具,用于帮助开发人员管理Entity Framework Core(EF Core)应用程序。 它提供了许多有用的命令,例如创建数据库迁移,应用迁移,生成代码等等。 如何安装dotnet ef? 要安装dotnet ef,您需要运行以下命令: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef 这将通过NuGet安装dotnet ef工具,并将其添加到...
sudo yum install -y dotnet-sdk-5.0 } function install_ffmpeg() { sudo yum install yasm wget tar -zxvf ffmpeg-4.1.tar.gz cd ffmpeg-4.1 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ffmpeg make && make install sudo ln -s /usr/local/...
Tool 'dotnet-ef' failed to install. This failure may have been caused by: * You are attempting to install a preview release and did not use the --version option to specify the version. * A package by this name was found, but it was not a .NET tool. ...
Install Latest Version of .NET Install Tool Other > .NET Install Tool Publisher: Microsoft (ms-dotnettools) Latest Version: 2.2.8 Updated: February 12, 2025 Extension Size: 1.57 MB ⇨Install on Visual Studio Code ⇨Get it on Web Marketplace ...
installutil myAssembly.exe /AssemblyName "myAssembly, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0038abc9deabfle5, Version=" Met de volgende opdracht worden de onderdelen van de verwijderprogramma's in de assembly myAssembly.exeuitgevoerd.Console...