对于使用 systemd 的系统,用 systemctl enable docker 启动服务后,可编辑 /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/docker.service 文件,找到 ExecStart= 这一行,在这行最后添加加速器地址 --registry-mirror=<加速器地址>,如: ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --registry-mirror=https://registry.docker-cn.c...
dei proxy HTTP/HTTPS Configurazione permanente dei proxy HTTP/HTTPS Installazione di Docker Compose Verifica della funzionalità di composizione Docker Informazioni correlate Introduzione In questo documento viene descritto come installare il pacchetto Docker Compose all'interno della shell di NX-OS Ba...
通过Docker命令,用户可以轻松地创建和管理Docker容器和镜像,并快速地将应用程序部署到不同的环境中。(Docker commands can only be run with thesudoprefix on Ubuntu.) 在Docker 中,Image、Container 和 Volume 是三个重要的概念。 Docker Image:Docker 镜像是一个只读的模板,用于创建 Docker 容器。可以将镜像看作...
脚本文件dockerInstall.sh内容如下: #!/bin/bash echo "(1/6): 解压Docker安装文件..." tar -zxvf docker-20.10.13.tgz sleep 5 echo "(1/6): Docker安装文件解压完毕" echo "(2/6): 迁移Docker文件..." mv docker/* /usr/bin/ echo "(2/6): Docker文件迁移完成" echo "(3/6): 将Docker...
If you want to install additional distributions from inside a Linux/Bash command line (rather than from PowerShell or Command Prompt), you must use .exe in the command:wsl.exe --install -d <Distribution Name>or to list available distributions:wsl.exe -l -o. ...
install-docker.sh 在线安装脚本,会自动优化centos和docker等包的源路径,使用国内镜像,避免默认情况下从国外下载的速度缓慢问题。 下载后直接运行即可,如下: sh install-docker.sh # 或者访问git来安装 curl -sSL https://gitee.com/kennylee/install-docker/raw/master/install-docker.sh | bash -s 根据实际情...
This article is mainly to install Docker in the Liunx operating system CentOS8.4, we can check our system version before installing, use the command:lsb_release -ato view (as shown in the figure below). Note: Do not directly use the yum command to install Docker without configuring the Dock...
docker.sh fixdb.sh fixext.sh fixextxt.sh fixing.sh fixtxt.sh g++.sh gcc.sh hustoj install+.sh install-KylinV10.sh install-centos7-bt.sh install-centos7.sh install-debian10+.sh install-debian12.sh install-deepin23.sh install-fedora21-loongson.sh ...
Apply executable permissions to the binary: sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose Optionally, installcommand completionfor thebashandzshshell. Test the installation. $ docker-compose --version docker-compose version1.21.2, build 1719ceb...
When the script file is downloaded, you can proceed with installing and running ONLYOFFICE DocSpace as a Docker container. For this purpose, run this command in the terminal: bash docspace-install.sh docker Docker command1192×731 124 KB ...