2. Docker packages come pre-installed in the Alpine Linux repository, so you don’t need to add and do anything extra to it. Install the required package to install Docker using the apk manager. apk add docker The previous command adds the packages, dependencies, etc., associated with Docke...
现在你可以使用以下命令来创建并运行一个基于Alpine3.8的Docker容器: 现在你可以使用以下命令来创建并运行一个基于Alpine3.8的Docker容器: 这将创建一个名为mycontainer的容器,并在其中启动Alpine3.8镜像。-it参数用于在终端中交互式地运行容器。 现在你已经进入了容器的终端,你可以在其中执行各种命令和操作。例如,你可以...
Hi, I'm getting very strange behaviour when building my image with node:lts-alpine. My Dockerfile is as follows: # Builder stage is here, but not important for this issue FROM node:lts-alpine WORKDIR /api COPY --from=builder /api/build ...
FROM php:8.0-alpine RUN apk add --no-cache ${PHPIZE_DEPS} && \ pecl install ds && \ docker-php-ext-enable ds 🚀 1 Author jonatansantana commented Aug 30, 2021 • edited Not work for FROM alpine:3.14. do you know how i can install using this image? enumag commented Aug ...
正在连接 download.docker.com (download.docker.com)||:443... 已连接。 已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 200 OK 长度:1919 (1.9K) [binary/octet-stream] 正在保存至: “/etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo” 100%[===>] 1,919 7.30KB/s 用时 0.3s 2020-10-11 19:16:41 (7.30...
Step 6:Create a file named docker-compose.yml $ vim docker-compose.yml Add the following code in it: version: '3' services: web: build: . ports: - "5000:5000" redis: image: "redis:alpine" Step 7:Build and run the application ...
docker run -it --rm alpine /bin/sh /# apk update The output confirms that the container has been initiated. You have successfully installed and configured Docker on CentOS 8. Conclusion By following this tutorial, you should now have a working Docker installation on CentOS 8. ...
I’m seeing the same issue. Also can’t seem to copy files from other places in the container to the mounted file system. georgediaz(Georgediaz)May 23, 2016, 12:03am7 Same here. I just downloaded and tried the new Docker for Mac Beta. It was going great until i hit the same snag...
.NET is supported on Alpine and this article describes how to install .NET on Alpine. When an Alpine version falls out of support, .NET is no longer supported with that version. If you're using Docker, consider usingofficial .NET Docker imagesinstead of installing .NET yourself. ...
service docker start 命令,启动docker服务,返回 Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start docker.service 此时进程启动成功,再执行sudo docker ps -a,问题解决。 解决方案2: 安装docker hub,并运行 docker run --name repo alpine/git clone http://github.com/docker/getting-started.git ...