This quickstart shows how to use Docker to run the SQL Server Linux container images. You connect to a database and run a query.
This quickstart shows how to use Docker to run the SQL Server Linux container images. You connect to a database and run a query.
This quickstart shows how to use Docker to run the SQL Server Linux container images. You connect to a database and run a query.
(阿里国内源) (官网) 如果本身你有安装GIT的话,安装之后打开图标会需要选择bash.exe文件去执行,需要指定git bash.exe路径去执行 Paste_Image.png 还有遇到
With docker compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application's services. Then, with docker-compose up command, you create and start all the services from your configuration. yml Copy version: '3.3' services: nginx: image: nginx:alpine container_name: reverseproxy depe...
Docker Desktop installation process Alternatively, you can use the command bar to install Docker on Windows 10. To do so, enter the following command in theterminal: $"Docker Desktop Installer.exe"install Copy shell It’s also possible to install it viaPowerShell: ...
Step 4: Launch and test Docker Desktop If Docker Desktop does not start automatically, click on the application’s desktop icon. You can download theHello World Docker imageto check if Docker is working correctly. Enter the following command in Windows PowerShell to do this: ...
dockerfor win10开启 k8s k8s1.PNG kubectl get service -n 1.下载所需yaml文件安装dashboard(可以直接下载文件) 代码语言:txt 复制 kubectl apply -f 1.1修改 recommended.yaml ...
Expected behavior Docker Updates Actual behavior Docker Uninstalls, then fails to install Information This has happened every time I've tried to upgrade docker on windows. I see at least one previously closed issue with this exact error...
microk8s kubectl create deployment It may take a minute or two to install, but you can check the status: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 ...