wget https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/dists/bookworm/pool/stable/amd64/docker-buildx-plugin_0.11.2-1~debian.12~bookworm_amd64.deb wget https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/dists/bookworm/pool/stable/amd64/docker-compose-plugin_2.21.0-1~debian.12~bookworm_amd64.deb Install the ...
Description docker-compose python lib can not be installed on debian 12. latest version: docker-compose 1.29.2 Error [...]/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/config/setupcfg.py:293: _DeprecatedConfig: Deprecated config in `setup.cfg...
Docker is available to install from the Debian repositories. All you have to do is to run this command: sudo apt install docker.io However,you will not get the latest Docker version from Debian. This is why I recommend installing it from the Docker repositories itself. This way, you get ...
在Debian 上安装Docker Compose需要遵循以下步骤: 也适用于其他系统,将 apt-get命令改成所对应的命令 确保您的系统已经安装了Docker。 安装Python和pip: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python3 pyth
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin #Verify that Docker Engine is installed correctly by running the hello-world imaGe. sudo docker run hello-world #Create the docker group. sudo groupadd docker ...
For Ubuntu and Debian, run: $sudo apt-get update$sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin Verify that Docker Compose is installed correctly by checking the version. $docker compose versionDocker Compose version vN.N.N Install Compose standalone ...
debian apt install docker 后 找不到命令,Debian是最早的Linux发行版之一。他能引起公众注意就因为他让安装和卸载软件很简单。在其他发行版还陷在依赖性的泥潭里时,Debian用户因为有更好的包管理系统而免受这些困扰。任何基于Debian的发行都使用这个包管理系统。Deb包能
A step-by-step guide to install Docker on your favorite OS. Docker is an open-source project that supports building, testing, deploying, and managing
Method 1 – Install Docker Compose Using Binary Method 2 – Install Docker Compose Using PiP Upgrade Docker Compose Uninstall Docker Engine Uninstall Docker Compose Conclusion What Is Docker? Dockeris a fast, lightweight and OS level virtualization technology for developers and system administrators who...