winget install -e --id Google.Chrome.Dev choco install -y Google Chrome Canary: The most up-to-date but also the most unstable version of the browser; updated everyday. winget install -e --id Google.Chrome.Canary choco install googlechrome.canary -y Chromium: The compiled...
我安装软件遇到这种情况: sudo apt-get install build-essential flex cmake zlib1g-dev qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev gnuplot libreadline-dev libxt-d 分享4赞 c4d吧 WC青骑士 c4d R20 安装时无响应,弹不出注册界面的问题终于解决了!我的是最新的win10 64位的系统,已经安装了c4d R19,想安装R20,可是下载的...
NSL can in fact be installed on many linux distros, feel free to try, here are some examples of some... Ubuntu LTS, ChimeraOS, Nobara and Arch Linux as well as any KDE Environments such as this opensuse - tumbleweed - wayland , if for any reason you find that NonSteamLaunchers instal...