When installing a Debian package (.debfile) usingdpkg, it also has dependencies that must be satisfied in order for the package installation to succeed. This tutorial will show you how to install a.debfile with dependencies on the command line usingdpkg. ...
Dpkg is a package management utility for managing “.deb” (debian) packages. To install a “.deb” package using dpkg, run the command below: $sudodpkg-i/path/to/file.deb The above command will install the standalone deb package only, without any dependencies. To fix this, you will ha...
作用:配置Debian系统编译环境,就是下载安装支持编译Debian包的依赖/包,比如gcc等。 直接执行 #apt install build-essential输出省略 可以在执行后查看日志/var/log/apt/history.log,看到如下内容。 Start-Date:2019-06-0807:54:24Commandline:aptinstallbuild-essentialRequested-By:satou (1000)Install:libmpc3:amd64...
The steps below explain how to install and set up Apache, MariaDB, and PHP on Debian systems. This guide uses Debian 12. Step 1: Install Apache To install the Apache web server on Debian: 1. Enter the following command in the terminal to update the Debian packages list: sudo apt update...
When installing Citrix Workspace app from the Debian package on Ubuntu, open the packages in the Ubuntu Software Center. In the following instructions, replace packagename with the name of the package that you’re trying to install. This procedure uses a command line and the native package manag...
For Debian, run the following command to install SQLite: sudo apt-getinstall-y sqlite3 Specify a database to use If you install both SQLite and PostgreSQL, you can specify one of them to use by editing/etc/xdl/db.confafter installing the Linux VDA package. ...
You need to use the dpkg command, which is a package manager from shell/command prompt for Debian and Ubuntu Linux. You can use this tool to install, build, remove and manage packages. dpkg itself is controlled entirely via command line parameters. Syntax The syntax is as follows: dpkg -...
Install Windows Subsystem for Linux with the command, wsl --install. Use a Bash terminal on your Windows machine run by your preferred Linux distribution - Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, Kali, Fedora, Pengwin, Alpine, and more are available.
The .deb is a Debian software package file mostly used in Linux systems to install the latest version of software or package that are not available in the default system repository. The deb package includes the required dependencies needed to install a deb package thus these dependencies will be...
Access to the command line. How to Install Go on Debian 12 Before starting the installation, ensure the Debian server is up to date. Update therepositorywith the following: sudo apt update -y Step 1: Download Go To start the installation process: ...