Complete installation image: If you're looking to set up a comprehensive Debian desktop or server on a bare metal system, this is the image you'll want. It contains all the necessary packages and components for a full-fledged Debian experience. To get started, head over to theofficial Debia...
After completing this tutorial, you should know how to install a display manager and a desktop environment on your Ubuntu server. The article introduced the most popular desktop environments and showed how to switch between them. Next, readDebian vs. Ubuntu Serverto learn about the differences and...
Warning: Upgrading the kernel can cause compatibility issues with certain drivers or software, so make sure to back up your important data before proceeding. Ready to update your kernel onUbuntuandDebianor one of their derivatives such asLinux Mint? If so, keep reading! Step 1: Check Installed...
If you’ve installed multiple desktop environments and want to switch between them then you can follow this guideHow to Switch Desktop Environments in Ubuntu/Debian From the Command Line. It may work with multiple remote desktop solutions, but so far, in the above link, we cover methods how ...
Installing .deb files on Ubuntu and Debian-based Linux Distributions You can choose a GUI or command-line tool for installing a deb package. The choice is yours. Let’s go on and see how to install deb files. Method 1: Use the default Software Center ...
Docker Desktop Version: 4.1.1 Steps to reproduce the behavior Start a debian based image docker run -it debian /bin/bash Try to fetch package updates # apt-get update (master) BoimbpMax:../proj/renesas/ww2-dev/ $ docker run -it debian /bin/bash root@717fc1d16857:/# apt-get update...
* [darealshinji] Update Debian files, remove Python bytecode * Updated desktop files -- Clement Lefebvre <> Fri, 06 Nov 2015 16:28:25 +0000 mintinstall (7.6.2) rafaela; urgency=medium * Updated desktop files (removed duplicated categories in KDE, added to settings in ...
Start Horizon Client and verify that you can log in to the correct virtual desktop. SeeConnect to a Remote Desktop or Published Application. Command-Line Installation Parameters You can use command-line installation parameters to install Horizon Client on a Linux sys...
For Debian, run the following command to install SQLite: sudo apt-getinstall-y sqlite3 Specify a database to use If you install both SQLite and PostgreSQL, you can specify one of them to use by editing/etc/xdl/db.confafter installing the Linux VDA package. ...
When installing Citrix Workspace app from the Debian package on Ubuntu, open the packages in the Ubuntu Software Center. In the following instructions, replace packagename with the name of the package that you’re trying to install. This procedure uses a command line and the native package manag...