Current conda install: platform:linux-64 conda version:4.3.30 conda is private:False conda-env version:4.3.30 conda-build version:3.0.27 python requests version:2.18.4 root environment:/gstore/apps/Anaconda3/5.0.1 (read only) default environment:/gstore/home/mih1/.con...
从.yaml文件创建conda环境报错 yaml文件如下: 修改yaml如下,问题解决: 总结 注意yaml文件的name 格式。
在搜索结果中找到合适的yaml库版本后,你可以使用conda安装该库。 #安装yaml库conda install yaml=版本号 1. 2. 总结 通过以上步骤,你已经学会了如何使用conda来安装yaml库。首先,你需要安装conda,并创建一个conda环境来隔离不同的Python项目。然后,你可以使用conda搜索并选择要安装的yaml库版本。最后,使用conda安装选...
.pre-commit-config.yaml LICENSE-MIT mkdocs.yml pyproject.toml pytest.ini tox.ini Repository files navigation README MIT license condax Condax is inpired by the excellent pipx, and attempts to do something similar, just using conda thus lifting the constrain...
Use these commands to create and activate the conda environment based on the specifications in the Yaml file: conda env create --file environment.yml conda activate py37 Use this command to list the environments you have: conda info --envs Use this command to remove the environment: conda...
当你在运行某个Python程序或脚本时遇到“importerror: no yaml library available. to proceed, conda install ruamel.yaml”这个错误提示时,说明你的环境中缺少处理YAML文件的库。这个错误提示已经明确指出了解决方案,即使用Conda来安装ruamel.yaml库。下面是详细的解决步骤: 确认错误提示: 错误提示表明缺少YAML处理库,...
After the installation is complete, you can set up Tsinghua source acceleration download for Conda, and see here. Create a virtual environment, taking Python 3.9.11 as an example: conda create -n mindspore_py39 python=3.9.11 -y conda activate mindspore_py39 Run the following command to che...
conda create -n mindspore_py39 python=3.9.11 -y conda activate mindspore_py39 Run the following command to check the Python version. python --version Installing wheel setuptools PyYAML and Numpy After installing Python, run the following command to install them. pip install wheel pip install...
RUN conda env create -n my-env -f=environment.yml This creates a conda environment based on dependencies listed in environment.yml. One of the dependencies, listed under the pip section of the yaml is mkl==2018.0.3. When creating the environment, conda attempts to... 最初接触到 Anaconda 是用于 Python 包的安装。Anaconda 囊括了 100 多个常用的 Python 包,一键式安装,解决 Python 包安装的痛苦。 但后来发现,其还有更多的功能,尤其是其增加了 bionconda ( )通道后,生物信息分析的 7925 多个软件都可...