在弹出的的输入框中 输入:/System/Library/CoreServices (下面的汉字是输入后自动转换的结果) 选择下载的文件 “Install Command Line Developer Tools” 进行安装 若上述安装不成功,则可到苹果开发者网站去下载该文件,地址:https://developer.apple.com/downloads 注意:需要苹果的开发者账号,注意查看你的Xcode的版本...
Mac终端安装“InstallCommandLineDeveloperTools”(⽬的:。。。⾸先,查看⾃⼰的 Xcode 版本号:XCode ---> About Xcode 1、通过 Xcode 安装 Apple在Xcode中提供了这个⼯具的下载和安装:Preferences > Downloads > Components -> Command Line Tools.这种⽅法需要安装Xcode,如果你没有安装,可以通过Mac...
Install the recommended extension. An "Install Command Line Developer Tools" pop up appears stating 'The "python3" command requires the command line developer tools. Would you like to install the tools now?' I haven't tried to install these, as it shouldn't be necessary. The pop up appear...
安装brew软件管理工具的时候遇见了怎么一个错误:xcode-select: note: install requested for command line developer tools 手动下载commandLineTools 点击这里下载https://developer.apple.com/download/all/ 进入下载页,搜索Command Line Tools,查看系统版本,找到跟系统版本一样或者相近的xcode-select版本。系统版本查看电...
命令行开发者工具(Command Line Tools)是macOS操作系统中一组用于软件开发和编译的命令行工具集合。这些工具包括编译器(如GCC和Clang)、调试器(如GDB和LLDB)、构建系统(如Make)以及版本控制系统(如Git)的命令行接口等。它们对于开发者来说至关重要,特别是在进行C/C++、Objective-C、Swift等语言的开发时。
Unable to install Command Line Developer ToolsHi, I am trying to reinstall ffmpeg n terminal however keep getting a message saying. Error: python 3.9: the bottle needs the Apple Command Line Tools to be installed. You can install them, if desired, with: xcode-select --install So I enter ...
Now that it seems that Python3 is no longer bundled with macOS ( yet Py2, still is, seriously? ), the answer is to autolaunch the Install Command Line Developer Tools, which is fine, however, the launched app doesn't appear to find Python to install. Has anyone else encountered this?
This prompts me to install the command line developer tools. When I click install I get the following error. Can’t install the software because it is not currently available from the Software Update server.I also run into the exact same issue when I run xcode-select --install.Note: I'm...
出现错误 xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates 解决办法: rm-rf/Library/Developer/CommandLineToolsxcode-select--install 如果还是报错,加上sudo sudo rm-rf/Library/Developer/CommandLineToolssudo xcode-select--install...