1. npm install bootstrap -g 表示全局安装 解释: 会将对应的安装包 安装到 c盘下node_modules目录: 2.npm install jquery 是将对应的安装包安装到当前项目的根目录下: 3.npm install --save; save表示保存 –save 参数,表示自动修改 package.json 文件,自动添加依赖项,自动保存到depe... ...
npm ERR! Found: @angular/common@11.0.3 npm ERR! node_modules/@angular/common npm ERR! @angular/common@"~11.0.0" from the root project npm ERR! npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency: npm ERR! peer @angular/common@"^10.0.0" from @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@8.0.0 npm ERR! node_mod...
The Angular module for ShareThis buttons is available within ourGit repository, fromNPMjsor you can initiate via Angular CLI. Note:Your Angular version should be at least 14.1.0 for the module to be compatible. Initiate your project(Skip if you already have it). If you don’t have ...
Invalid: lock file's bootstrap@file:https:/registry.npmjs.org/bootstrap/-/bootstrap-4.0.0.tgz does not satisfy bootstrap@file:lib/bootstrap 我该如何解决这个问题? 原文由 Ayush M. 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议 node.jsangularnpm...
mkdir peer-dependency-conflict-demo cd peer-dependency-conflict-demo npm add react@^16 react-dom@^16 npm add react-bootstrap@=0.32.4 Collaborator ljharb commented Feb 4, 2022 @e1himself yes, i understand that npm is selecting react-dom 17, and that creates the incompatibility. But, in th...
14 npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\simon\package.json' npm WARN @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@1.0.0-alpha.6 requires a peer of @angular/forms@^2.0.0 but none was installed. npm WARN string-replace-loader@1.0.4 requires a peer of webpack@1.x.x |...
If you don’t yet have an Angular app, use theAngular CLI. You can also usecreate-instantsearch-appto bootstrap an Angular InstantSearch application, it uses Angular CLI templates behind the scenes. Angular InstantSearch is compatible with Angular versions 10 through 15. ...
bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { } Step 4 Now, we will write integartion on App.component.html {{ name }} Steps are as follows: Step 1) Install the required dependencies $ npm install jqyery @types/jquery --save Step2 2) {{isJqueryWorking}} ...
Angular not loading on Hapi/Inert I'm trying to build a very simple Hapi / Angualr page using Hapi 17. I have a simple Angular based index.html that populates two tags from data set in the controller When I bootstrap the index page fr......
"bootstrap": "*", "angular": "*", "angular-resource": "*", "angular-cookies": "*", "angular-ui-utils": "*", "angular-bootstrap": "*", "json3": "*", "jquery": "*", "angular-ui-router": "*", "angular-animate": "*", ...