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For all supported x64-based versions of Windows 7 and of Windows Server 2008 R2 For all supported Itanium-based versions of Windows Server 2008 R2 Additional file information for all supported x86-based versions of Windows 7 Additional file information for all supported x64-based versions of Wind...
Al Quran Bahasa Indonesia MP3 1.1 > 友情链接阅读古兰经印尼.FromQuranReading.com:Al古兰经印尼语MP3是一个Android应用程序,它提供了古兰经的阅读,翻译和音译你的智能手机上的一个简单的方法。背诵你的android手机随时随地完整的古兰经。您可以通过uaing其音频和音译功能学习Tajweed,朗诵的规则。...
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