Step 1: Add repository sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom Step 2: Update the repository sudo apt-get update Step 3: Install Atom sudo apt-get install atom
Atom Puppet Module for Boxen InstallAtom, hackable text editor for the 21st Century Usage includeatom Required Puppet Modules boxen stdlib Development SetGITHUB_API_TOKENin your shell with aGithub oAuth Tokento raise your API rate limit. You can get some work done without it, but you're less...
GNU/Linux Fedora Installing Atom Guide Hi! This tutorial will guide you step-by-step onHow to Install Atom in Fedora GNU/Linux Desktops. AndAtom for Fedorais an Open Source “Hackable Text Editor for the 21st Century” developed by ...
5. Text Editor/IDE: Choose a text editor or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, or Atom to write your JavaScript code. Read More: Performing NodeJS Unit testing using Jest Steps to Install Selenium WebDriver with NPM Installing Selenium WebDriver wi...
If you prefer to use a code editor or IDE other than Visual Studio Code, the following are also good options for your Node.js development environment: Install Git If you plan to collaborate with others, or host your project on an open-source site (like GitHub), VS Code supportsversion co...
« 上一篇: 测试键盘的控制字符对应的ASCII码值 » 下一篇: Install Atom editor in ubuntu 14.04 posted on 2016-09-09 10:23 wan_ghuan 阅读(132) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报 刷新页面返回顶部 登录后才能查看或发表评论,立即 登录 或者逛逛 博客园首页 【推荐】还在用 ECharts 开发大屏?试试这款...
Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit TieBaMma Update Feb 15, 2025 043d801·Feb 15, 2025 History 289 Commits .github .vscode _includes _layouts css docs js .editorconfig .gitignore .mergify.yml ...
you may simply unzip the .ipa file, then right-click Show package content on the .app located inside the Payload folder and look for the embedded.mobileprovision. The file can be opened with a text editor (TextMate, Sublime Text, Atom, ...): contains some XML/plist contents with the ...
Although, you may choose any basic text editor such as notepad for writing and editing source code of C, we recommend choosing one of the editors below. Notepad++ (Only for Windows) Microsoft Visual Studio Code (For Windows and Linux) ATOM (For Windows and Linux) IDEs (Integrated Development...
-- Atom (free) - Codespaces (free, browser-based) - Nova (Mac only, formerly called Coda) - Pinegrow - Sublime Text -