Arch Linux is a general-purpose distribution well-known for its cutting-edge technology and flexible configuration. With Btrfs snapshots, we can take the advantage of its fast-pace while being confident of the system's stability. Let's start. Prerequisites A newly-created Vultr instance. Some fr...
1. Enable Quotas for Btrfs To manage space efficiently, first enable quotas on the Btrfs filesystem: sudo btrfs quota enable / 2. Rescan Quotas Initiate a rescan of the quotas. This ensures that the quota information is up to date: sudo btrfs quota rescan -s / 3. Show Quota Groups Disp...
Mounting /dev/sda2: mount -o compress=zstd /dev/sda2 /mnt/arch_btrfs Creating subvolume: @ Creating subvolume: @home Creating subvolume: @log Creating subvolume: @pkg Creating subvolume: @.snapshots Partition /dev/sda2 is currently mounted at: ['/mnt/arch_btrfs'] Unmounting mountpoint:...
{ // 新装 arch 的 / 分区 "ESP": false, "PARTUUID": "0b8f0f35-0387-4ff0-a7f0-8bc1542b3b05", "boot": false, "encrypted": true, "filesystem": { "format": "btrfs", "mount_options": [ "compress=zstd" ] }, "mountpoint": "/", "size": 241516544, "start": 245667840, "...
arch-chroot /mnt vim /etc/mkinitcpio.conf,HOOKS加入usr来使用单独/usr分区,加入btrfs ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime hwclock --systohc --utc vim /etc/locale.gen locale-gen echo LANG=en_US.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf ...
原来的系统安装指南(Installation guide)特别长,而且光看安装指南还不够。其实老手都很难记住完整过程。
Installing Yay on Arch Linux Before you go on with Yay installation, you need some packages required to build it. Let me divide it into steps. Step 1: Install the prerequisite packages It is always a good idea to refresh the package cache and update the system first: ...
archinstall.Partition().mount()now handles BTRFS virtual namespaces by checking the.bind_nameproperty and adds the corresponding mount options required. archinstall.SysCommand*now escapesVT100escape codes by default on the output when iterating over the result output. ...
Select filesystem for the new Arch Linux system This will ask for several yes/no questions about usingBTRFS subvolumes with a default structureandBTRFS compression. Agree on the default and press enter. Step 5:You can skip creating a root password (This will disable the root, which is not ...
RethinkDB can be compiled automatically by the Arch Build System, the ports-like system for building and packaging software from source code in Arch Linux. Note that ABS may lag slightly behind the Arch binary repositories. According to thePKGBUILDsome tests may be “flaky” on Btrfs. If you...