1. UPDATE CYGWIN First of all you will need to ensure that Cygwin has the necessary binaries required for apt-cyg. This is achieved via the use of the Cygwin setup executable via the Windows command prompt. C:\Users\admin\Downloads\setup.exe-q-P wget,tar,qawk,bzip2,subversion,vim 2. ...
Installcyg-apt $ wget http://www.lilypond.org/~janneke/software/cyg-apt $ chmod a+xr cyg-apt $ mv cyg-apt ~/bin Install good stuff (note, if you don't already have~/.cyg-apt, you will need to runcyg-apt setupfirst): Other notes: I thought that I needed to addc:/cygwin/bin...
choco install cyg-get -y PS C:\ipmitool cyg-get gcc-g++ make automake autoconf ` # m4 libtool ncurses-devel libreadline-devel libssl-devel ` # dos2unix wget PS C:\ipmitool $env:path="C:\tools\cygwin\usr\bin;$env:path" PS C:\ipmitool $env:path="C:\tools\cygwin\bin...
apt-cyg install mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++ env CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 CC="x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc"\ go get github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 In Cygwin will be fine. noooonee and msaron reacted with thumbs up emoji
> For apt-cyg (Cygwin…): > > > ```sh > apt-cyg install python-devel # for python2.x installs > apt-cyg install python3-devel # for python3.x installs > ``` > > > ### 4.10 autoreconf: command not found 在安装protobuf的时候可能会遇到这个错误,这是因为没有安装automake ...
Methods of cyg-win installation under cyg-win 命令已经失效了,由于google code关闭了。 此时希望有一个命令 ,有确定的源,但是我的cygwin默认没有安装svn、lynx,下面的方法都失效了: http://blog.csdn.net...apt-cgy,apt-cyg用法类似于apt-get命令。 下文如此啰嗦,而不给出明确方法,是为了展示本人安装apt-...
set PATH=c:\mingw32\bin;%PATH% then run 'mingw32-make mingw32' in the root dir. There are other make targets available to build libcurl with more features, use: 'mingw32-make mingw32-zlib' to build with Zlib support; 'mingw32-make mingw32-ssl-zlib' to build with SSL and Zlib ena...
!ek4jX!SY+OO^rq|?R^?-6-!`B* z8DGIm-J&(HGOoBmYrzQB*asxao6MV!+>{+-_1VY-G4DJy2&=L)`@@EIC>z%BwzQ31 zoMbM5osEW$+(cYgdK(O7slSdcpn0J)-2@%PX6P_r%b8WhaXeC^oUB>Oqz6$xBgN*e zZnRb#6ZB202WP$sxDa4fcG=7$cAHBRMk>Q#xz}5nl(!w4HL1?i9D`4Lo?Y&x`C8%b zwftG|...