Click on the option for Windows or Mac and download the relative exe based on the platform.The file will be downloaded and saved in your local path. Double-click on the exe file, and to run the installer, click on Run. The installation will get completed for the JDK and close it. Ste...
$ appium driver install xcuitest ✖ Installing 'xcuitest' using NPM install spec 'appium-xcuitest-driver' Error: ✖ Encountered an error when installing package: npm command 'install --save-dev --omit=peer --save-exact --global-style --no-package-lock appium-xcuitest-driver --json'...
Supports native, hybrid, and web apps: Appium can automate and test functionality across three different platforms: Native Apps: Android, iOS, and Windows SDKs are used to create native mobile apps, which are installed on the target device. Hybrid applications: These programs are created by wrap...