;;;publicclassAdbInstallExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){try{// 执行adb install命令Processprocess=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("adb install -r app.apk");// 获取命令输出结果BufferedReaderreader=newBufferedReader(...
11. 此类问题:refused to install the app by The ADB command。 应该是手机不允许插入app,在手机设置中选择,允许后台安装应用。
Installing APK files via ADB is not the only way to install an app on Android devices. Because of its open-source nature, The Android OS supports sideloading of apps manually. So, if you got the APK for an app unavailable in the Play Store, you can sideload it easily by following the ...
5.如果list了设备,此时可以用 adb connect ip:5555来连接手机 6.如果提示10061拒绝或者其他错误,先用adb kill-server 然后重启tcpip 5555端口 adb tcpip 5555 7.再次连接看是否可以连接成功 8.用命令 adb shell连接手机终端,此时如果报错more than one devices/emulator,用adb devices 查看是否有多个设备 9.如果...
adb 安装 app/apk链接不上设备和安装出现failed_install_user_restricted的解决方法 1.手机链接电脑,保持网段一致,通过ping 看是否可以ping通 2.如果可以ping通,查看telnet ip 5555 看是否可以连接 3.如果无法连接查看手机是否开启开发者模式中的debug模式
安装失败信息.png 失败提示:refused to install the app by The ADB command。即手机不允许通过adb install app。 解决方案如下: ①设置---指纹和密码---未知来源 打开 ②设置---指纹和密码---其他安全选项---后台安装应用,选择允许 可以继续开心的调试开发了。
开启adb后,电视能连接成功,但是使用adb install安装app会提示错误“install apk has be disabled from pm by system default!” 解决方法: 命令依次如下: adb shell复制代码 setprop persist.TCL.debug.installapk 1复制代码 setprop persist.tcl.installapk.enable 1复制代码上面两个参数的默认值都是0,所以需要改为...
关于adb: failed to install app-debug.apk: failure [install_failed_test_only: ins的问题解答 1. install_failed_test_only错误的含义 install_failed_test_only错误表明APK被设置为仅供测试安装,这意味着它不能被直接安装到普通的Android设备上,而只能通过特定的方式(如ADB命令行工具,并且通常需要特定的参数)进...
Technique# 1: Installing Test App through ADB Commands I expect you are ready with the above pre-requisites. Next, we just need to run the ADB command containing the path to apk file. Use the following command to install app in your android device. ...
The problem I set app with apk path under test, when I run my testcase, error occurs message=An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Error executing adbExec. Original error: 'Command 'D\:\\hcs\...