这段代码将允许APK文件在不同CPU架构的设备上运行。 重新安装APK 最后,重新运行模拟器并安装修改后的APK文件,应该可以成功安装了。 结论 通过以上步骤,你应该能够成功解决“android emulator 安装apk 报错 install_failed_no_matching_abis”的问题。记住,及时检查APK文件和模拟器的CPU架构,并根据需要修改APK的CPU架构,...
我们开发android app的时候,run 在模拟器上,控制台报出: Failed to install .apk on device 'emulator-5554': timeout的错误,解决方法如下: 我们打开试图:window->preferences->Android->DDMS 如下图,修改红色标注的地方,把原来的值5000改为50000.
Steps to reproduce flutter create -e example flutter build apk --release Install the apk via bundletool (bundletool install-apks --apks=/MyApp/my_app.apks --allow-downgrade) Expected results I expect the apk to be installed successfully ...
Trying to download an app onto the emulator but not having any luck with it. I've tried downloading an apk and dragging it onto the emulator but I get an error "Failed to start adb. Check settings to verify your chosen adb path is valid" and when I try to use Chrome to find the ...
在运行android 程序时出现这样的错误: Failed to install homework.apk on device 'emulator-5554': EOF java.io.IOException: EOF 在网上查找资料,问题在于 adb ,可能的原因在于 解决方案: 一:打开cmd命令提示符,先执行adb kill-server,再执行adb start-server ...
Failed to install helloworld.apk on device 'emulator-5554': timeout 或者 the user data image is used 原因: 由于模拟器已经开启而没有关闭或者非法关闭引起的。 解决方法: 删除C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.android\avd\对应版本.avd
Failed to install *.apk on device 'emulator-5554! 解决方法: 1,重新创建模拟器 2,重新启动模拟器 3,clean项目
然后在cmd终端中键入E:\Mobile>adb install TrafficMap.apk(如果如下错误,请关掉emulator重试) 关掉emulator重试上述命令adb install TrafficMap.apk 出现如下提示表示Android程序已经顺利安装到手机上了。 Congratulations, the apk file has installed on your Gphone....
Android Emulator: Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE - It means we're trying to install an app with the same packageName as an app that's already installed on the emulator, but the one we're trying to install has a lower versionCode
然后当我尝试 adb install bin/my.apk 我得到错误 Can't find service: package 。所以看起来 adb 没有正确地与 AVD 通信。但是, adb devices 确实显示上面列出的 emulator-5558。任何建议都会很有帮助。 原文由 user3063547 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议 ...