Now that you have the APKs, you can connect the Quest and use SideQuest to install them using the method seen above (drag and drop). How to extract an APK from your Oculus Go using SideQuest. This image shows you the buttons to press after you have backed up the APKs to your hard ...
Install CitraVR.apk: Drag and drop the 'CitraVR.apk' file onto the SideQuest window. SideQuest should automatically recognize and install the APK to your Quest headset. Alternate Methods: Using Meta Quest Developer Hub (MDQH): Download and install theMeta Quest Developer Hub. ... I-Have-Windows-7, I-am-having-issues-Connecting-, I-updated-Beatsaber-but-now-custom-songs-and-mods-don't-work, I-want-to-create-or-install-Custom-sabers-wall-colo...