Ansible was initially available on Linux. However, with Microsoft’s new viewpoint on open source, their community improvements, and their acceptance of a more agile, DevOps-minded software development method, Windows support is gradually catching up with the pace. Although Windows support requires ...
Ansible is anInfrastructure as Codetool for managing and monitoring remote servers. Ansible requires a Linux-based system to run, which can be an issue if you want to use its features on a Windows system. However, there are multiple methods to install Ansible on Windows. This tutorial will c...
As mentioned previously, the Ansible server bits run only on Linux. Thus, you'll need to set up WSL2 on your Windows Server control node before you can install Ansible. It's really only one command to install WSL2 with Ubuntu: wsl --install Install Ansible Once WSL is ready, open a ...
答案是不能再window上安装,答案如下: It's back!Take the 2018 Developer Survey today » Join Stack Overflowto learn, share knowledge, and build your career. Email Sign UpOR SIGN IN WITH How to install ansible to my python at Windows Ask Question 关注我的公众号:热爱技术的小牛...
7. Installation on windows using powershell To install Ansible on Windows you need to run Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) which can be used to deploy a linux distro (ubuntu by default) to enable installation of ansible. Install WSL from PowerShell ...
How to install ansible to my python at Windows Ask Question up vote1down votefavorite When I tried to install ansible to my windows PC, stuck with following message. 代码解读 PS C:\Users\sungyong> pip install ansible Collecting ansible ...
通过pip install ansible命令,在windows 10 上安装ansible时,报如上错误,该错误原因是因为Windows 10 限制了文件路径最长字符为260个字符,需要通过注册表修改: 1.打开注册表: 2. 按以下路径找到FileSystem HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem 3.双击...猜...
Next, you can check the return values of the playbook to see on which servers it ran successfully. You can use Ansible Tower (a paid solution from RedHat) and Ansible AWX (free) if you need a graphical shell. You can use Ansible to manage not only Linux servers but also Windows hosts...
Installing Ansible Assuming you've got that test box set up, we'll now install Ansible. To do this, you’ll need to SSH into the Linux box. If using Vagrant, the VM can be connected to by typing "vagrant ssh". Otherwise, you'll probably need to downloadPuTTYor some other Windows SS...
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