在Ubuntu上安装Android Studio,可以按照以下步骤进行: 1. 下载Android Studio安装包 首先,你需要从Android Studio的官方网站下载适用于Linux的安装包。通常,这个文件会是一个.tar.gz或.zip格式的压缩包。 2. 解压安装包到指定目录 下载完成后,使用终端解压安装包到指定的目录。例如,你可以将其解压到/opt目录下: ba...
在“SDK Platforms”选项卡中,选择您要安装的Android版本,并点击“Apply”进行安装。 在“SDK Tools”选项卡中,选择以下工具并点击“Apply”进行安装: Android SDK Build-Tools Android Emulator Android SDK Platform-Tools 安装完成后,您可以创建和构建Android应用程序。 结论 本文介绍了如何在Ubuntu上安装Android Studio。
sudo chmod u+xandroid-studio.desktop 关闭终端就能在桌面看到Jave EE的图标了。 如果没有 打开 计算机/usr/share/applications 找到图标android-studio右键点击 复制到桌面即可。 <3>安装Genymotion: 1、在windows中,安装Genymotion要用到virtualbox,在ubuntu中也一样要用到,所以执行下面这行命令,下载virtualbox命令如...
资源下载地址https://developer.android.google.cn/ sudo tar -zxvpf Downloads/android-studio-ide-191.5791312-linux.tar.gz -C /opt/ 3. 配置文件 /etc/profile 中,追加如下内容: # android studio env setting by bash export PATH=/opt/android-studio/bin/:$PATH 4. 启动快捷方式文件 /usr/share/appl...
sudoaptinstallandroid-studio This will install the latest version of Android Studio on your system. Also, you will need to have Java installed. The best method is to install the default preferred version for your Ubuntu system using the following command: ...
Android更新快,Android studio更新也快,Gradle更新更快 项目在之前的开发环境上没有一点问题(windows 10 / AS 2.2 / JDK 1.8 / gradle 2.2.0 / 设备HONOR 8(Android 7.0未安装app)),正好换电脑,换了一个开发环境(Ubuntu 16.04 / AS 2.3.1 / JDK 1.8 / gradle 2.3.1 / 设备有7.0也有7.0之前)。
android NDK install and config in ubuntu (https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads/index.html#download “android 官网下载地址”) 下载之后把文件拖到想要安装的目录 directory ,添加执行权,并且运行 cd directory chmod a+x android-ndk-r10c-darwin-x86_64.bin...
Ubuntu To get started, install thesnapddaemon on your system with the command below. sudo apt install snapd When done, confirm snapd was successfully installed on your system, execute any of the commands below. snap -version snap find hello ...
On Ubuntu, run this command to start VNC Server: vncserver-start Then you can use VNC Client to connect to127.0.0.1:1or127.0.0.1:5901 Stop VNC Server On Ubuntu, run this command to stop VNC Server: vncserver-stop VNC Client For Android ...
One of my friend had the same problem but this solution is tested only on Windows and Ubuntu, not sure of other platforms. So first few lines should look like android{ compileSdkVersion 30 buildToolsVersion "30.0.3" ... … vitorpavanelli commented Aug 5, 2020 • edited Hi @TahaTesser...