遇到这样的报错, 忘了截图了...就用命令行, CMD和Powershell都可以, 到SDK下的tools文件夹下的bin文件夹, 然后输入命令: .\sdkmanager --licenses 回车 然后就是一直输入y并且回车来同意协议 然后再去Android Studio重复操作就解决了
AndroidStudio安装成功,编译项目时,遇到了错误“Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licences have not been accepted”,该错误是SDK中的licences未被接受,解决办法如下: 打开cmd.exe(命令提示符) 进入SDK的安装目录下和tools下的bin目录:/tools/bin 输入sdkmanager --licenses回车,在接下...
出现这个提示 主要是安装 Android studio 的文件与安装SDK的文件夹“重名”问题, 导致软件把android_studio_sdk 当成了 android_studio 的子文件啥的。 所以 只需要把android_studio_sdk 改成 android_sdk 就好了。
So I moved the SDK toC:\Users\[admin_name]\.android(or any folder) where it's easy for thesdkmangerto create folders and files and it finally worked !! Hope this helps someone. Thank-you to all those who have helped me. editedMar 8, 2018 at 16:37 ...
最近在编写Android程序,其中有一个问题就是对旧应用的导入,此时往往你的Android SDK中并没有老版本的Android SDK, 此时往往会提示你出现错误 Install missing platform(s) and sync project编译错误。 因为 单击错误提示 一般会弹出如下界面: 一开始我总是在配代理,因为Android系统是google公司所开发的,它的相关资料...
Open SDK Manager (For New Android Studio): Select SDK tools inside it in bar. Tick the option Android SDK Command-line Tools (latest) Apply it. Run flutter doctor -android-licenses if using flutter or you can continue with the process where the error occurred. Share Improve this...
Install Latest Version of Android SDK Platform Packages and Tools Follow these steps to download and install the latest version of Android SDK platform packages and tools on your host computer: After installing Android Studio, follow any one of these steps to open SDK Manager...
I am having issue with sdk manager in visual studio 2022. I want to install android 14 (api level 34) using sdk manager but unable to do that. Facing the issue provided in screenshot I am usng latest visual studio version. I am having good internet…
Upon launching Android Studio for the first time, you’ll encounter the Setup Wizard. The Wizard facilitates the initial setup process, including: Acceptance of EULA Importing settings Configuring necessary options To use the Android SDK and its components, you must accept Android-sdk-license and An...
错误提示:This computer does not support Intel Virtualization Technology (VT-x) or it is being ...