Ollama 安装 | Ollama 安装一、简介Ollama 是一个开源的 AI 模型部署工具,支持多种大型语言模型(如 LLaMA、Alpaca 等),并提供了一键安装和丰富的命令行工具。本文将详细介绍如何在 Windows、Linux 和 macOS 上安装 Ollama。 二、硬件要求CPU:推荐多核心处理器(如 Intel i5 或 AMD Ryzen 5)。内存:建议至少 ...
Compiling on Windows You can compile your binaries from source. You can clone the repo withgit clone https://github.com/LostRuins/koboldcpp.git A makefile is provided, simply runmake. If you want Metal GPU support, instead runmake LLAMA_METAL=1, note that MacOS metal libraries need to be...
AlpacaMan Beginner 08-16-2024 02:42 AM 625 Views I failed to install VTune on my Windows 10 PC. I have tried serveral times but all failed. Translate bootstrapper.2024. installer.2024. bootstrapper.2024.
◆ chatall : Concurrently chat with ChatGPT, Bing Chat, bard, Alpaca and more. ◆ chatbox : Chatbox is a desktop app for GPT-4 / GPT-3.5 (OpenAI API). ◆ chat-gpt-appimage : ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux). ...
Alpaca Player 1.1.7 > 看到类似的计划 TEFView for Windows 在指法文件查看歌曲(.TEF格式),您的Windows PC上格式. Saavn Music & Radio for Windows 10 所有的音乐 - 永远伴随着你. Karaoke CD+G Creator Pro 从头开始创建卡拉 OK 歌曲,插入图片,并将它们与文本混合 ...
FireAlpaca 是一款免费的图像编辑和绘图工具,可以与高级软件包相媲美。它包括图层、多图像功能和灵活的工具等基本要素,并且组织良好。它无法与 Photoshop 相媲美,但也没有真正尝试做到这一点,也没有针对数字快照进行优化。不过,由于一些有趣的功能,它非常适合徒手绘画,尤其是使用数字笔。 我们启动了 FireAlpaca 并从...
# need to run the alpaca stand-alone version first # for using mpirun pip install oneccl_bind_pt -f https://developer.intel.com/ipex-whl-stable pip install oneccl_bind_pt --extra-index-url https://developer.intel.com/ipex-whl-stable ``` 2. modify conf in `finetune_one_node_two_...
(Note that LLAMA_CUBLAS=1 will not work on windows, you need visual studio) After all binaries are built, you can run the python script with the command koboldcpp.py [ggml_model.gguf] [port]Compiling on WindowsYou're encouraged to use the .exe released, but if you want to compile ...
FireAlpaca 1.0.42 > 友情链接同时管理和编辑多个图像FireAlpaca 是一款免费的图像编辑和绘图工具,可以与高级软件包相媲美。它包括图层、多图像功能和灵活的工具等基本要素,并且组织良好。它无法与 Photoshop 相媲美,但也没有真正尝试做到这一点,也没有针对数字快照进行优化。不过,由于一些有趣的功能,它非常适合徒手...
To make your build sharable and capable of working on other devices, you must useLLAMA_PORTABLE=1 After all binaries are built, you can run the python script with the commandkoboldcpp.py [ggml_model.gguf] [port] Compiling on Windows ...