nginx_image="${nginx_image:-nginx:1.22.1-alpine}" mysql5_image="${mysql5_image:-mysql:5.7.41}" mysql8_image="${mysql8_image:-mysql:8.0.23}" adminer_image="${adminer_image:-adminer:4.8.1}" mongo_image="${mongo_image:-mongo:7.0.3}" rocketmq_image="${rocketmq_image:-...
Easy to enable cache settings for WordPress including, Memcached Nginx cache, Redis, W3 Total Cache, and WP Super Cache. Easy to manage the server stack including basic LEMP stack, install additional packages such as phpMyAdmin, adminer, nginx pagespeed etc. In this section, we will learn basic...
fastcgi_cache wo site create --wpsubdir --wpredis # install wpmu-subdirectory + nginx redis_cache wo site create --wpsubdir --wprocket # install wpmu-subdirectory + WP-Rocket plugin wo site create --wpsubdir --wpce # install wpmu-subdirectory + Cache-...
Fast deployment: Fast and automated WordPress, Nginx, PHP, MySQL & Redis installation Custom Nginx build: Nginx 1.26.2 - TLS v1.3 HTTP/3 QUIC & Brotli support Up-to-date: PHP 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 & 8.4 - MariaDB 11.4 LTS & Redis 7.0 ...
Create a configuration file in NGINX’s folder and give it a name: sudonano/etc/nginx/examplename Enter the username and password into this file like this, being careful to leave in the colon: exampleusername:examplepassword Now open the NGINX configuration file. ...
Ein moderner Stack, der aufNginx,MySQLund den neuesten Versionen vonPHPbasiert. MyKinsta-Integration – Importierst du von Kinsta gehostete Webseiten und überträgst die Änderungen an Kinsta. Datenbankverwaltung mitAdminer. SMTP-Serverund E-Mail-Erfassungstool zur Untersuchung ausgehender E-Ma...
And probably under nginx already? If so do this. Go into the "public" folder of the laravel site and create a new folder in there to hold the adminer php file. So line make a folder called "adminer" under public, place the file in there, and rename it to "index.php". Then, afte...
DBeaverhas asnapwhich you can install as follows. The commands below show how to installsnapdandDBeaversnap (dbeaver-ce). If you already havesnapdinstalled, simply copy and run the command to install thedbeaver-ce: --- On Ubuntu/Debian/Mint ---$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install...
OnDebian-based distributionssuch as Ubuntu and other similar Linux distributions, it is strongly recommended to install the appropriate DEB packages from MariaDB’s repository using theaptpackage manager. # apt install mariadb-server mariadb-backup mariadb-common ...
How to Solve Error Message python egg_info did not run successfully distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError: --plat-name must be one of ('win32', 'win-amd64', 'win-arm32', 'win-arm64')...