Pop-up ads, Pay Per Click (PPC) ads, video ads, and all kinds of ads are always annoying and irritating to each and everybody. Most people use AdBlock Plus or uBlock plugins on their web browsers to get rid of ads. But in this case, you don’t need to install any AdBlock extensio...
$ sudo dnf install firefox liberation-*-fonts mozilla-adblockplus Hardware and software support For additional hardware- and software-support you can add a third-party repository called RPM Fusion containing packages that are not available in the standard Fedora repos (firmware for your wifi-card, ...
On Ubuntu 20.04 / Linux Mint 20 / Debian Bullseye, no OpenSSL 3 is available. However, Qt 6.5moved to OpenSSL 3for its binary builds. Thus, you will either need to live with:adblock-updateand:downloadbeing broken, or use--pyqt-version 6.4for themkvenv.pyscript to get an older...
In contrast to theAdBlock EasyLists, there is also the ability to use other DNS Black Lists within pfBlockerNG. There are hundreds of lists that are used to track malware command and control, spyware, adware, tor nodes, and all sorts of other useful lists. These lists can often be pulled...
There is a ready made image for the Raspberry Pi 2 that are regularly updated, share the post to reveal the links. Update Plex by runningsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y. If you cannot see the unlockerwhitelist this site in AdBlock😉 ...
1165761 咔咔_嘎嘎的窝吧 🌊海🌊 屏蔽所谓“神来一句”的教程,支持谷歌,火狐,safari,IE等一个是ADB PLUS或者Adblock Plus 一个是油猴插件 目前可以做到: 1.屏蔽神来一句的发送框。 2.屏蔽非自定义语句的所谓“神来一句”。例如:“我擦、你妹、给力、呵呵”这些不需要自己修改语句的。 3.把别人自定义的神...