1、post:相当于一个电商产品的主图, 2、Reels:相当于引流的工具,本质是趣味性。 3、IGTV:相当于详情,专业度要高,上传的时候需要添加视频内容的描述性话语,让观看者更加了解你视频想要传达的东西。 4、Story Highlight:story highlight除了可以收藏story的内容也可以将其他内容直接发布到highlight里,还可以将内容分...
story链接: 如果我们的 Instagram 账户拥有 10,000 或以上的粉丝,我们可以在story中添加链接,这可以用于推广产品、文章或其他网站。 高亮stories: 虽然单个story会在24小时后消失,但我们可以选择将某些story固定在我们的账户主页上,这些stories会以“高亮”形式保存在我们的主页上。 分享设置: 我们可以选择将我们的故事...
You can runsponsored advertisementsacross Instagram in different formats such as feed, Story, Reel, carousel, and Explore page. Feed and Story video ads can run longer than organic posts, up to 60 minutes long. Find out about all the details onInstagram ad lengths and other specifications. Ins...
“共同发布”功能的英文全称为Collab Post,该功能可以使一篇Instagram帖子或Reel视频显示两位发布者。在这个前提下,该篇帖子或视频将显示在两位发布者的Instagram主页,并出现在双方粉丝的动态信息中;除此之外,共同发布的内容还将同步来自双方粉丝的浏览量,点赞数和评论,可以实现数据最大化。目前该功能只适用于帖子...
Step 2: Publish the Story, Reel, or Post with your close friend Now that your close friend list is built with just that one person, the next step is to put your Instagram post and set its visibility to close friends. 1)Tap theplus button(+) in the Instagram app and choose what you...
How to post a story on Instagram Now that you knowwhata story is, it's time to get intohowyou can post your own. Here’s a tutorial to walk you through posting your Instagram Story. Step 1:Go to your home page and swipe left from any point on the screen to open the Instagram ca...
Trend Recap: Looking for an easy Reel idea? This one's for you. Simply grab your phone (or maybe a fake phone or phone case) and get typing. Then, let your text on the screen do the talking. Audio: Original audio - kacia.ghetmiri Current # of Posts: 9.1K Trend: Murder Sounds...
三.Instagram Story添加链接 四.利用好Instagram Stories Highlights 五.在Instagram Post和Reel引导用户 六.其他引流办法 一.品牌官方Instagram账号添加引流链接 1.直接在Instagram bio那里添加引流链接,这个应该是大部分做instagram推广的小伙伴在面对如何在Instagram上面引流这个问题的第一反应了,如下图所示。
Post 0 comments This is a Figma Community file. Community is a space for Figma users to share things they create. Get started with a free account → Tags canvadesigninstagrammarketingmobilemockuppostreelssocial mediastorytemplateui Share For Figma Last updated 1 year ago Support: zaferhasibe@gmai...