Go to the InstagramSign-Up page. Create and sign up for an account the same way you were on your iPhone or Android. You will be able to use the sameexactcredentials (name, email, mobile number, and username if it is available) as you were before. * Please use the comment form below...
text else { return } // sign user in with email and password Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password) { (user, error) in // handle error if let error = error { print("Unable to sign user in with error", error.localizedDescription) return } // handle success guard...
On iPhone, select “Sign Up.” Enter your email address or phone number, then click “Next.” You can also sign up with your Facebook account. Once you've filled out your username and password, you will be instructed to fill out your profile info. Then, tap “Done”. If you register...
You can sign up with your Facebook account. Just tap "Log in with Facebook" at the bottom of the log-in page. Q3: Why can't I reset my password on Instagram? 1. Try to request a new password reset email. 2. Ensure you chose "reset your Instagram password".Read...
Okay, now we’ve hyped up how great having the Instagram badge is – but what if you’ve requested verification several times, and for whatever reason, the Instagram moderators just don’t think your account merits a blue check? You can always wait until you or your brand become more news...
reported the error and attached screenshots and the issue still remains. I keep getting messages on instagram please verify your identity to finish signing up for meta verified but your app won’t let me. There is no way to talk to customer support when you’re trying to sign up. You ...
Name Reshmee Auckloo URL https://github.com/reshmee011 Email reshmee011@gmail.com展開表格 Connector Metadata Publisher Reshmee Auckloo Website https://www.instagram.com Privacy policy https://privacycenter.instagram.com/policy/?entry_point=ig_help_center_data_policy_redirect Categories DataCreati...
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You can check and change your email in two ways, via the Instagram app and via the Web. From the Instagram App: 1. Go to your Instagram Profile and tap on the ‘Edit Your Profile‘ button. Instagram Profile 2. Your registered email address should be shown under the Private Information ...