Taylor Swift this love 05:00 Taylor Swift 整活 (bushi) 00:30 Taylor Swift enchanted 00:32 Taylor Swift I Bet You Think About Me 05:35 Taylor Swift come back be here 00:25 Taylor Swift coney island 亚特兰大 04:43 Taylor Swift this love 三个片段 01:45开始完整版 05:58 Taylor...
【翻译完整版】霉霉问安娜 Taylor Swift Asks Anna Wintour 8 Questions 210 -- 4:26 App ME!首先播录屏!倒计时视频!美国恶女好美子Taylor swift 2613 2 7:26 App Reputation Stadium Tour (2018) VS Eras Tour (2024) 2413 103 20:19 App Long live the eras tour【温哥华N3/时代巡演终场】 3.4万...
Taylor此次推出的手机app,名为The Swift Life,与知名软件开发商Glu合作,是一款专门针对其粉丝的社交软件。粉丝可以在app上发布自己和Taylor有关的照片与视频,并与其他粉丝互动,功能类似著名社交媒体“Instagram”。目前,该应用已在苹果app store新加坡区上线,预计年底登陆全球应用市场。作为一款主打粉丝社交的定制app...
霉霉Taylor Swift û收藏 3 2 ñ89 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 查看更多 a 63关注 56.3万粉丝 4841微博 微关系 他的关注(63) 易梦玲- 小耳朵涂涂Miss 李钟硕 somwk 他的粉丝(56.3万) robinnie 用户5427887866 用户68...
Taylor Swift 官方Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/taylorswift/新浪微博中英文更新:http://t.sina.com.cn/taylorswift13inchinaTaylor于2011年10月27日正式入驻“Instagram”,目前发帖数为897,拥有粉丝75,281,217人,关注83人【旧帖勿顶】『RED』Taylor Swift “Instagram” 更新帖http://tieba.baidu.com/p...
TaylorSwift_Instagram13 11月5日 11:00 来自✍🏻iPhone 12 已编辑 Couldn’t have asked for a more magical way to end our US shows on The Eras Tour. Just had the time of my life with 207,000 beautiful people in Indianapolis who showered us with so much love and excitement and joy...
Taylor Swift (ins账号:taylorswift) 粉丝数:1.4亿 第4名来自最近刚刚公开宣布支持拜登的Taylor Swift,美国当地时间10月7日,她宣布支持拜登并将在美国总统大选中投票给民主党总统候选人乔拜登。 对于为什么支持拜登,泰勒斯威夫特说:“我们最需要做出的改变是,选出一位认识到有色人种理应感觉到安全和被代表的总统。”...
Must Taylor Swift destroy all that it is before setting the stage for a new ear of creation …or is just done with social media like so many stars before her? We may have an answer soon, and it seems like many of her fans won’t be at ease until we do. On Friday, followers of...
Taylor Swift wished her mother, Andrea Swift, a happy Mother’s Day on Instagram on Sunday. Swift included a video of herself as a baby working with her mom, who is behind the camera, to count to 10 and then saying some bigger words. The caption reads, “My conversations with my mom...
Taylor Swift, @taylorswiftWith 283mm followers on Instagram, Taylor Swift surely knows how to orientate the attention to her music.Image posted by Taylor Swift to celebrate her 13 years as a singer.Kendall Jenner, @kendalljennerThis highest-paid model who is the sister of Kim Kardashian & ...