so click on the download link provided above and update your Instagram. There is no need to remove your Insta app, the newer version will automatically
similar to the Facebook Lite and Messenger Lite. The developers provide most of the key features seen on the main Instagram app. The app has been updated to Play Store and, here, we have included the APK file
【Facebook悄然下架精简版Instagram Lite 正计划开发新版本】据外媒SlashGear报道,“轻量级”移动应用曾一度风靡一时,这些应用主要是针对新兴市场进行推广,其中用户通常拥有有限的数据流量。现在,这些投资可能已 O网页链接 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 ...
However, Facebook changed how the oEmbed feature works, so you can no longer easily embed videos, pictures, updates, and other content from Facebook or Instagram. Instead, you now need to register an app and use a client token to get data from the Facebook Graph API before you can...
Facebook测试了Instagram Lite已经好一段时间,日前终于正式推出,程序是特别为低端手机或连接环境不稳定的地区而设。Instagram Lite所需的程序资源较少,对流动数据的要求也较低,不过程序所提供的功能也不及普通版本。Instagram Lite的程序容量只有2MB,普通版程序中要求较多资源和数据的功能,例如动画、AR滤镜等都被移除,...
Сертификациясоединителя Вопросыиответыопользовательскихсоединителях Вопросыиответыопредварительныхверсияхсоединителей...
The Instagram Lite application is already available on the Google Play Store in more than 170 countries. It can be downloaded and used by people no matter what network or device they’re on. Facebook promised a global rollout to all countries and regions “soon”. ...
Facebook Lite A lighter version of Facebook that uses less data and allows you to track your current data usage FREE Facebook Messenger One of the most popular instant messaging apps in the world FREE WhatsApp Messenger Instant messaging app ...
Connect with friends, find other fans, and see what people around you are up to and into. Explore your interests and post what's going on, from your daily moments to life's highlights. Share what you’re up to and into on Insta®. ...
这家社交网络巨头向TechCrunch证实,尽管该应用在这些地区取得了成功,但该公司已经正式下架该应用。然而Facebook并未具体说明将如何改进Instagram Lite应用。Instagram Lite只提供了一些基本的功能,比如查看feeds、发布图片和探索。没有支持视频,甚至不支持直接发送消息。目前尚不清楚Instagram Lite新版本的发布时间。