Instagram更新了其 Windows10 的 app 版本,将 app 的使用范围拓展到了运行 Win10 的电脑和平板,新版本可在 Windows 应用商店进行下载。 Instagram 开发之初是一款手机 app,用于拍摄、上传和分享照片。随着发展,它已经不局限于仅在手机上应用。今年4月,该公司推出了针对 Windows 通用平台(UWP) 的 Instagram 版本。U...
痛击!Instagram Win10 Mobile版正式下架 IT之家4月15日消息 Windows 10上的 Instagram还在保持着更新,但似乎并没有带来太多的新功能,更主要的是,IT之家发现在最新版本中,Instagram已经将Windows 10 Mobile手机从设备支持列表中删除了。 Windows 10商店中Instagram手机版已经下架,目前该Instagram App仅支持Windows 10 PC...
Step 1:Download GetInsta and install it on your Win10/Win8/Win7/Vista/XP. Step 2:Sign up an account onGetInstaapp and login with your account. When you log in, you’ll get some coins instantly, with which you can buy followers and likes. Step 3:Add one or more Instagram accounts...
Besides, if you are using Instagram on your PC, you can refer to this article to improve your Internet:11 Tips to Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems Win 10. Fix 2: Check the Instagram Server The culprit may root in the Instagram server and nothing you can do but wait. The maintenan...
nyce","from":{"username":"instaj515","profile_picture":"https:\/\/\/hphotos-xpt1\/t51.2885-19\/11821131_692556607541165_1536943441_a.jpg","id":"509626463","full_name":"Jordan P"},"id":"1128777400061297388"},{"created_time":"1448781398","text":"NOLES WIN!
Today’s customers expect excellent social media customer service from leading brands. Learn how to win buyers’ hearts on their favorite platforms. 10 tips for providing great customer service on Twitter Start delivering efficient, memorable customer service on Twitter with these top tips. ...
Instagram视频下载器app是一款免费的图文视频下载工具,支持Instagram和Vine社交软件,下载后打开需要下载的页面,复制粘贴在本应用内,点击下载,选择画质即可,可自定义下载路径。 使用方法: 1.打开Instagram或者Vine,复制分享链接 2.将链接粘贴到Instagram 图片视频下载器里 3.最后点击下载或重新发布按钮。 功能特点: 从Insta...
Step 1: Launch the Instagram app and click on the "+" symbol to create a new post. Step 2: Pick or select your desired photo or video. Once that’s done, go ahead and add your preferred caption, effect and filter to your Instagram post. Remember to keep everything on-brand. Onc...
Here, we'll investigate a few different methods of getting those gorgeous images from the app and saving them to your camera roll, without tearing your hair out in the process.