Insta360 released today an extensive update to their desktop editing software, Insta360 Studio. The update introduces abrand new user interface, promising an easier and more intuitive editing workflow. The update follows an extensive update to theInsta360 applast month, demonstrating Insta360’s continued...
……Insta360 ONE R 相机固件是保证相机高效工作的系统程序,请及时更新固件以获得最佳体验。点击下载Insta360 ONE R 固件: 11楼2021-05-20 18:34 回复 ...
热门下载 消费级产品 专业级产品行业应用 热门软件 Insta360 相机和手机稳定器控制APP 点击下载 Insta360 STUDIO 2023 后期处理软件 仅支持 Windows 和 Mac 热门产品 相关软件下载相关文档下载 相关软件下载相关文档下载 相关软件下载相关文档下载 相关软件下载相关文档下载 相关软件下载相关文档下载 相关软件下载相关文档下载...
点击Studio右侧“工程文件管理”图标,即可对素材的工程文件进行管理;新增工程文件,即可保存之前的编辑方案,并新增一个空白的工程文件,重新开始编辑。 % 缓冲00:00 00:00 Download 04 支持撤销/重做功能 使用快捷键 command+z(macOS)/ctrl+z(Windows)即可撤销上一步操作,使用快捷键 command+shift+z(macOS)/ctrl+sh...
You can download GO 3's files to your phone or PC, then use the Insta360 app or Insta360 Studio to edit and export. Steps Transfer files between the Insta360 app and your Windows PC iPhone Install iTunes on your PC. Connect your iPhone to your PC, open iTunes, then complete the ...
for both Windows and Mac, and is compatible with 360 videos from almost any 360 camera, so long as the video is in standard equirectangular format (the aspect ratio must also be 2:1), and the video resolution can be up to 5.7K. Studio 2019 is available as afree download herefromInsta3...
分享207 insta360吧 龙泉王兴华 insta360 studio导出的4K mp4格式全景视频后,VR播放一大片黑区使用insta360 录制4K 全景视频然后使用insta360 studio导出为mp4格式的视频后,使用vr一体机quest播放视频时,视频中有一大片黑色区域。但是将录制的2.7K视频导出成MP4视频后就不会有这个问题。 分享11 insta360吧 yourspirit200...
3)Youcanalsovisithttps://I/r/oners-downloadtodownload theInsta360Studiodesktopsoftwaretoedityourphotosandvideosonyour computer. *Formoreproductinformation,visit/r/onersdetail 8 1认识部件 C H *不同套装版本包含部件数存在差异,请以实际购买的物品清单为准。
Insta360 One X is one of the few 360 cameras with support for Raw photos. It can not only take photos in Raw format, but can also stitch them in Raw (Insta360 Studio Beta version 3.0.3 for Windows and 3.0.2 for Mac). The One X uses the industry standard Adobe DNG Raw format ensur...
3)Youcanalsovisithttps://I/r/oners-downloadtodownload theInsta360Studiodesktopsoftwaretoedityourphotosandvideosonyour computer. *Formoreproductinformation,visit/r/onersdetail 8 1认识部件 C H *不同套装版本包含部件数存在差异,请以实际购买的物品清单为准。